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Embracing Developer-First Practices for the Cloud Era with Snyk Founder and President Guy Podjarny

In this video, Guy Podjarny, Founder of Snyk discussed the importance of embracing developer-first practices for the cloud era. Guy also shared Snyk's unshakeable dedication to developer and security teams as well as its original vision.

Introducing Snyk developer-first security into the Terraform Cloud workflow

With the rise in popularity of technologies such as HashiCorp Terraform, Docker, and Kubernetes, developers are writing and maintaining more and more configurations in addition to building the application itself. The growing use of infrastructure as code presents security complexity and the potential for risk that developers often struggle with as their workloads increase and more advanced skills are required.

Join Snyk in celebrating 31 days of Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2021

Today’s the first day of October as well as the first day of the 18th annual Cybersecurity Awareness Month. The purpose of Cybersecurity Awareness Month is not only to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity, but also to inspire people to improve their cybersecurity posture: whether that be through implementing multi-factor authentication, not clicking that suspicious email attachment, or even writing code more securely by utilizing a tool like Snyk. =)

Getting Started with Snyk Inside Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud

In this video, Marco Morales at Snyk shows first time users how to get started with the Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud integration with Snyk. Snyk lets you test your open code software dependencies and container images. With the new Snyk and Bitbucket Cloud integration, you can see details of security issues right within Bitbucket. Once you enable it, Snyk automatically checks your code and its dependencies and alerts you to vulnerabilities that are present so you can fix them before you deploy.