Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Enterprise Application Risk Profiling

I will discuss digital transformation in the enterprise, how it impacts cloud native applications developed using agile methodologies and as a result, an oscillating application risk rating, which then triggers prioritized security-related activities by application security engineers.. Key topics will include: Creating a baseline application risk profile Dynamic characteristics of application risk factors Significant changes that trigger security reviews

Accelerating the Snyk infrastructure as code vision with the addition of CloudSkiff

We are thrilled to welcome the team at CloudSkiff to Snyk! Many of you may be more familiar with driftctl, the open source project started by the CloudSkiff team. I wanted to share with you why we’re excited about the addition of this fantastic group of people to Snyk, and our plans for the future of Snyk Infrastructure as Code (Snyk IaC), as well as our commitment to keeping driftctl open source.

Snyk Code adds Apex, Swift language support + API, GraphQL security

Snyk Code has had a tremendous 2021. It started the year supporting three languages — Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript — and has since added Python, C#, PHP, Ruby, and Go. More languages and features are on the horizon, and in this article, we’re happy to announce the addition of Swift and Salesforce’s Apex support, as well as API and GraphQL security. Let’s get into it!

Providing Comprehensive Application Security from Code to Production: New Snyk and Hdiv Security Partnership

Together, we look forward to helping more global businesses to innovate securely by combining Snyk’s static analysis with Hdiv’s interactive testing capabilities. This will allow these digital-first organizations to continue their rapid pace of innovation while staying secure through comprehensive application security – from code in development to running workloads in production.

Secure Python Development and Package Management

How do you become a secure python developer? Following best practices, and learning about application security from experts! In this session we will explore and explain explain how Python manages dependencies, the requirements.txt file, and other aspects of 3rd-party open source software. We will gently touch upon an intro to the different package managers, such as pipenv, and poetry.