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Live From RSAC: Disinformation: As Dangerous as Cyber and Physical Threats

In today’s digital world, we practically live on our phones or computers. Chances are, you don’t go more than 15 minutes without checking your email or social media. And you probably get most of your news from the Internet. But how do you know what information is real? Two different news sites might be giving a different opinion of the same story. Take the presidential election, for example. There was a frenzy of fake news trying to sway voters in one direction or the other.

Live From RSAC: Is Digital Transformation Making AppSec Headless?

Chris Wysopal, Veracode Co-Founder and CTO, recently sat down with Tom Field, ISMG Senior Vice President of Editorial, for an executive interview at the RSA Conference 2021 to discuss if digital transformations are making application security (AppSec) “headless.”

Live From RSAC: AppSec's Future and the Rise of the Chief Product Security Officer

Chris Wysopal, Co-Founder and CTO at Veracode, and Joshua Corman, Chief Strategist of Healthcare and COVID at CISA, presented at the 2021 RSA Conference on AppSec’s future and the need for a new Chief Product Security Officer (CPSO) role. Wysopal started by quoting entrepreneur Marc Andreessen saying, “Software is eating the world,” to express just how much we rely on technology. From our iPhones and laptops to our cars and even our refrigerators … software is everywhere.

Geneva Information Security Day 2018 Spring Edition

Geneva Information Security Day (GISD) is a leading European cybersecurity conference created as a vendor-independent platform for open and actionable discussion of emerging digital threats and remedies, knowledge sharing and building sustainable cybersecurity industry. Join global senior executives at a series of panel discussions and networking sessions where you can share knowledge, best practice and thought in a confidential environment.