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Which security certification is for you (if any)

It is hard to look at an information security job posting without seeing some certifications desired. Some make sense and others not so much. I have looked at junior helpdesk positions asking for CISSP, and some of the roles at some of the most respected companies do not ask for any certifications. There are some certifications that in having them demands instant respect: OSCP, OSCE, GXPN, and GREM, to name a few.

Protection from malicious Python libraries jeilyfish and python3-dateutil

Two malicious Python libraries, jeilyfish (with a capital i and a lowercase L in the original name) and python3-dateutil, were detected on PyPI (Python Package Index) on December 1st. They were typosquatting similar named legitimate libraries jellyfish (with a double lowercase L) and python-dateutil libraries, a malicious technique aiming to trick developers to use the similar named modified libraries.

What is FISMA (The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002)?

The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) is a United States federal law that defines a comprehensive framework to protect government information, operations and assets against natural and manmade threats. FISMA was enacted as part of the E-Government Act of 2002.

Waco water bill attack just the latest in a wave of Click2Gov breaches

The City of Waco has warned residents that their online payments for water services may have been intercepted by hackers who stole credit card details. The heart of the problem lies in the third-party online payment software that Waco and several other cities and municipalities use to let residents pay their bills, pay parking fines, as well as make other financial transactions.

Five Ways to Quickly Uncover Malicious Activity and Protect Your Kubernetes Workloads

Organizations are rapidly moving more and more mission-critical applications to Kubernetes (K8s) and the cloud to reduce costs, achieve faster deployment times, and improve operational efficiencies, but are struggling to achieve a strong security posture because of their inability to apply conventional security practices in the cloud environment. Commitment to cloud security grows, but security safeguards are not keeping up with the increased use of the various cloud platforms.

Protecting against the perils of dental patient data breaches

This pattern of data breaches is very concerning for dental practices, which are charged with protecting people’s most sensitive information. What can practices do to protect themselves against this growing problem? There has been a surge in data breaches at companies from virtually every sector during the past few years. Practically every week, the news media reports new breaches that seem to be increasing in scope and severity.

Google Cloud Platform security monitoring with USM Anywhere

According to a 2019 Cyber Security Report published by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, 93 percent of organizations say they are concerned about cloud security and 28 percent admit to having experienced cloud security incidents during the past year.

Awarding CyberInt's Security Efforts

CyberInt researchers invest significant time and effort into researching and trying to mitigate the next cyber attack. In addition, breach reports that detail the mode of attack and how it was discovered are published freely with the aim of sharing the knowledge. While this is not the purpose behind our research, it is nice to be recognized. We have been amassing awards and recognition recently, and have been identified as a Top 100 MSSP (Managed Security Services Provider).