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OpenSearch Security: An Overview

When utilizing a new tool or solution to manage and monitor your data, it’s paramount that you can guarantee that the service you’re using is secure and that it protects your valuable data. With OpenSearch, you can rest assured that you’re using one of the most secure and robust solutions available. The solution emerged for numerous reasons, with one of the main factors being discontent among users surrounding privacy.

Salt Security and Dazz: A Powerful Partnership for API Security

As organizations adopt more modern application strategies, APIs are increasingly important for enabling seamless communication and data exchange. However, this interconnectedness also introduces more significant security risks. APIs are gateways to sensitive information, making them prime targets for attackers. This can result in data breaches, business disruptions, and reputational damage.

QRishing Is Taking Phishing Offline: Here's How to Protect Customer Data

Imagine scanning a QR code to pay for parking or to buy a new jacket, only to realize you handed over credentials or card data to fraudsters. Yes – phishing is now also an offline phenomena, expanding its reach into real-world spaces via QR codes. Known as ‘QRishing’, this increasingly common attack exploits growing reliance on QR codes in both online and everyday physical environments, exploiting users’ lack of vigilance.

Best Static Analysis Tools for Mobile App Security

Before the introduction of static code analysis tools, securing mobile applications often felt like playing catch-up. Development teams would spend months building features, only to discover critical vulnerabilities late in the release cycle. This last-minute scramble to fix security issues delayed product launches and stretched resources thin—adding more pressure on developers and security teams.

Healthcare, Finance, and Utility Security: Meeting Data Compliance Standards Across Industries

Organizations across different industries are subject to diverse regulatory compliance frameworks, each with stringent requirements. In the healthcare, finance, and utility sectors, these standards are particularly critical due to the high sensitivity of data and the potential consequences of breaches or non-compliance. Protegrity’s data compliance platform simplifies meeting regulatory requirements by employing encryption, tokenization, and data masking.

What are Active Directory Service Accounts?

Just like human users, computer programs also need access to resources on a network to function properly. There’s a difference in how these two groups—individuals and programs—access these resources, though. While humans utilize user accounts, computer programs use Active Directory service accounts.

SAML vs OAuth Comparison: Similarities & Differences

SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) and OAuth (Open Authorization) are two of the most common user authentication and authorization protocols. Both of them help manage identity and access using tokens, but they serve different purposes and operate in different contexts. This blog explains the key similarities and differences between SAML and OAuth and the specific use cases where they are most commonly employed.

How to Stay Cyber Safe on Social Media

Safe social media usage is crucial in today’s interconnected world, primarily due to the growing risks associated with online interactions. One of the first steps to ensure safety is to utilise privacy settings effectively. Adjusting these settings allows you to control who sees your posts and personal information, significantly reducing the risk of your data falling into the wrong hands. Managing your digital footprint is equally important.

Web Application Testing: Best Practices for Secure Applications

Web Application Testing is a comprehensive process designed to evaluate various aspects of a web application, including functionality, performance, security, and usability. This critical step in the web development lifecycle helps identify potential issues before end-users engage with the application, ensuring a smoother user experience and reducing the risk of failures post-launch.