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Regulatory Compliance in the Telecom Industry

The increasing use of cell phones has automatically led to unimaginable height of sharing of personal information online. Most routine actions, from providing information over the phone to opening a bank account to placing food orders, may now be accomplished from the convenience of your own home. While the telecom sector has enabled remote procedures, it has also hastened the spread of identity fraud and financial schemes.

GDPR Training for Employees - Security Awareness

Scenario-Based Security Awareness Training Teaches Users to Make Better Decisions – Proofpoint Essentials Security Awareness Training. What is GDPR Awareness Training? Since 2018, companies and organisations have had to comply with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a European data privacy regulation and EU law that was made to give individuals more control over how their data is collected, used, and safeguarded online. Failure to comply with this EU law can result in hefty fines.

Sen. Mark Warner Calls for Better Cybersecurity for the Healthcare Industry

U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) issued the 35-page report Cybersecurity on Patient Safety on November 3, which called the ongoing transition to better cybersecurity for the healthcare sector as being painfully slow and inadequate. This is despite the fact the healthcare sector is uniquely vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Privacy Updates in Q2 2022: Major Developments Across the Globe

The third quarter saw some major developments across the privacy space. In the U.S., we saw a federal bill for comprehensive privacy achieve more than ever before, children’s privacy proved to remain a top concern, and the Federal Trade Commission formally began its heavily criticized “Magnuson-Moss rulemaking” process.

What Is the SHIELD Act And How Do You Achieve Compliance?

On the internet, we’re all Hansel and Gretel. But the trail of breadcrumbs we leave behind when searching, posting on social media or shopping online aren’t designed to help us find our way back home. Instead, they’re designed to help the companies we interact with provide a richer, more customized and useful online experience.

Complying with the Egypt Financial Cybersecurity Framework: What you Should Know

Which cybersecurity framework is the best one to use for an organization? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when embarking on the cybersecurity journey. Often, the answer falls quite unsatisfyingly along the explanatory lines about how there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and how there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

SOX Compliance Audit Preparation And Checklist

SOX Compliance can be quite overwhelming for those looking to achieve compliance. Organizations need to prepare well for the audit in order to ensure they meet all the requirements and achieve compliance. So, here is an opportunity for organizations like you to learn about the critical aspects of SOX Audit and ensure a hassle-free SOX Compliance Journey.