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How Compliance Professionals Uses Egnyte

Chief Security Officer Kris Lahiri showcases how he uses Egnyte for compliance. This video shares how to assign data owners, monitor data governance, and manage content’s lifecycle. This video showcases how users can easily assign data owners to manage rules of engagement, retention policies, and monitor audits of the data. Whether utilizing content lifecycle management, setting engagement notifications, or monitoring usage, you can stay on top of tasks all within Egnyte.

Tripwire Change Analyzer Quick Start

Tripwire Change Analyzer automates the verification and promotion of “known good” and business as usual changes that are the result of software updates, upgrades, and patches, saving IT organizations time, reducing human error, and increasing efficiency. Tripwire Change Analyzer also works in concert with Tripwire Enterprise to deliver alert notifications and granular details needed for rapid response when unexpected, unauthorized, or high-risk changes are detected. Check out this quick start tutorial video on how to get started with using Tripwire Change Analyzer.

Cross-Account and Cross-Cluster Restore of Kubernetes Applications

Cross-Account and Cross-Cluster Restore of Kubernetes Applications Using CloudCasa. Users can now browse and map the available storage classes in the source and destination cluster when restoring. When performing cross-account Kubernetes restores in AWS, the system will now automatically handle changing volume IDs for PVs. Additionally, when creating an EKS cluster on restore, CloudCasa now allows customization of the IAM role, security group, VPC group etc. to be used in the new account.

What is the Difference between Masking & Truncation

PCI DSS Compliance is a payment card security standard that outlines stringent security requirements for protecting cardholder data. In the outlined 12 PCI Compliance Requirements, one of the Requirement 3.3 states that organizations need to “Mask PAN when displayed such that only personnel with a legitimate business need can see more than the first six/last four digits of the PAN. So, as a matter of best practice organizations adopt masking and truncation techniques for data security.

CMMC Town Hall With Michael McLaughlin, UMD ARLIS | 3/9/22 | NeoSystems

NeoSystems CMMC Town Hall Series: Join NeoSystems’ Chief Information Security Officer, Ed Bassett, for our weekly CMMC Town Hall designed for the Defense Industrial Base and GovCon community. Each session features special guests and offers an opportunity for attendees to ask questions regarding CMMC and cybersecurity. Topics covered include CMMC compliance requirements, how to prepare for CMMC certification, and the latest updates from the CMMC AB.