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Insights dashboard

Now you can track how much time you save with Torq and monitor key workflow statistics in one convenient dashboard. Set Torq's TimeBack benchmark for each published workflow and calculate the total time saved across all workflows. The compiled metrics allow you to track different workflow analytics, see the results of your efforts, and monitor any runs that may require attention. Start configuring your Insights dashboard by clicking Review at the top of the Insights dashboard. Adjust each workflow's slider to reflect the time the use case would have taken manually.


Integrations are the backbone of Torq, and serve multiple roles. Put simply, an integration is a connection to an external service that's used to interact with data as part of an automated workflow. Before you can start building workflows, you need to create integrations for the applications you want to use in your workflows.


Workflows are the automations you'll be creating in Torq. Each workflow contains a trigger and steps. The Torq platform is built with a workflow-first architecture. This means that the components are all designed to enable you to easily create, test, and manage your workflows. For the workflow construction, you’ll be using steps (building blocks) and integrations with other services.