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Key Features of an Insider Threat Protection Program for the Military

Insider threat protection is essential for government institutions — especially national defense organizations. As these organizations handle highly classified and sensitive information related to national security, military operations, and intelligence, they are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. In this article, we reveal the main insider threats in the defense sector and how to spot them. We also give guidelines on building an effective military insider threat program.

Top 5 Mobile Security Threats and How UEM Can Stop Them

The proliferation of mobile devices has much to do with getting work done fast in modern business environments. Living without smartphones and tablets today is unthinkable. However, as mobile devices become central to our professional and personal lives, they also become prime targets for security breaches. Hence, mobile device security threats loom large. There are many SaaS solutions out there that help businesses thwart mobile security risks. All of them are equally important.

Scam Service Attempts to Bypass Multi-factor Authentication

A scam operation called “Estate” has attempted to trick nearly a hundred thousand people into handing over multi-factor authentication codes over the past year, according to Zack Whittaker at TechCrunch. The scammers target users of Amazon, Bank of America, Capital One, Chase, Coinbase, Instagram, Mastercard, PayPal, Venmo, Yahoo and more.

Cyber Threat Intelligence Update: Data Breach, Ransomware Trends, and Emerging AI Threats

This blog provides a comprehensive update on a major data breach at the UK Ministry of Defence, a strategic shift in ransomware targets towards smaller businesses, and the increasing utilisation of generative AI in cybercrime.

AWS WAF vs. AppTrana WAF

AWS WAF, a widely used security tool from Amazon Web Services, is a web application firewall designed to safeguard web application servers against various online threats. The tight integration of AWS WAF with key AWS services, including Amazon CloudFront CDN, Application Load Balancer (ALB), and Amazon API Gateway, ensures a comprehensive security approach. AWS WAF can also protect services offered by other providers as long as the content is delivered via the CloudFront distribution network.

Using Trustwave DbProtect and Offensive Security Solutions to Protect Against Nation-State Cyber Threats

The US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) earlier this month gave a stark warning to the Senate Armed Services Committee detailing the cyberthreats arrayed against the US and the world from China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

PTaaS guide | Choosing the right test environment

A major challenge for developing modern applications is ensuring their security. Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) is a cloud-enabled approach that lets you proactively find and fix application vulnerabilities and protect your digital assets. A key step to using a PTaaS solution is selecting the right testing environments. This guide will help you understand the pros and cons of different testing environments, and decide which is best for your organization.

Cloud Security and Compliance: A Smarter Approach to Keeping Your Head Above Water

When it comes to cloud security and compliance, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in a sea of regulations and requirements. But don’t worry; we’re all in the same boat! That’s why we’re thrilled to share our latest point-of-view (POV) paper, “Practical Cloud Security in the Era of Cybersecurity Regulation,” which is crafted with our deep industry expertise and experience.