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Exploring generative AI guardrails: The Tines approach

Innovation rarely starts with acknowledging the restrictions. It’s only after you’ve fleshed out the practical concepts that you begin to understand how they can align with the predefined boundaries, ensuring that your final product is both useful and compliant. This dynamic process encourages a more organic pathway to discovery, leading to solutions that are not only innovative but also viable within the given constraints.

Upcoming Election - Cyber Risks to The Public Sector

As the anticipation builds for the upcoming election this week, the spotlight shines brightly on the critical role of cybersecurity in safeguarding the integrity of the democratic process. In a landscape where digital threats loom large, ensuring robust cyber defenses is paramount to upholding transparency, protecting voter data, and preserving the sanctity of our electoral system.

5 Reasons Employees Hate Cybersecurity Training and 6 Tips to Turn Them Around

Cybersecurity is no longer solely an IT department’s concern; it's a company-wide responsibility. But with busy schedules and overflowing inboxes, getting employees to truly pay attention to cybersecurity training can feel like an uphill battle. Let’s start off with why too many staffers are apt to mentally tap out when taking an awareness course. Now, let’s look at how to design a cybersecurity awareness program that will keep employees engaged and informed.

Securing Hypervisor Environments: Rubrik Intends to Extend Support for OpenShift Virtualization and Proxmox VE

In today's digital landscape, where data is the lifeblood of any business, securing and protecting hypervisor environments is paramount. Hypervisors, such as OpenShift Virtualization and Proxmox VE, play a critical role in virtualized environments. The threat landscape constantly evolves, with cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated and data breaches rising.

AI Audit Logs: The Secret Weapon to Enhance Enterprise Security

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), ensuring robust security and compliance is becoming more difficult for enterprises. AI audit logs emerge as a critical tool in this mission, offering a detailed record of all activities within AI systems. By leveraging these logs, businesses can enhance their security posture, ensure regulatory compliance, and optimize AI usage. Let's delve into how AI audit logs can serve as a secret weapon in bolstering enterprise security.

Microsoft Warns Customers of Email Breach by Russian Hackers

In a recent security disclosure, Microsoft has warned more of its clients that Russian hackers have accessed emails exchanged between them and the company. This breach, attributed to the notorious "Midnight Blizzard" hacking group, has raised significant concerns about the security of communications with Microsoft.

Nightfall Named A Leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) by G2

Nightfall has been named a Leader in Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Sensitive Data Discovery, Data Security, and Cloud Data Security in G2’s Summer ‘24 reports. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to all of Nightfall’s customers and supporters for making this possible. We’re also happy to acknowledge the Nightfall team’s tireless innovation, all in pursuit of helping customers to protect their sensitive data across the sprawling enterprise attack surface.

10 important questions to add to your security questionnaire

The technology your organization uses is integral to its success. When selecting vendors, security should be at the forefront of your decision. A strong vendor review process is crucial for selecting partners that align with your company's security goals, and security questionnaires are a key step in this process.

How CMMC Will Improve Your Cybersecurity Posture

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, safeguarding critical data from unauthorized access is paramount. Our recent webinar, “Shut the Front Door,” provided invaluable insights aimed at business leaders, operations executives, and IT managers within the government contracting community, emphasizing the necessity of robust access control measures and adherence to regulations like the FAR, DFARS, and NIST 800-171.

Data Security Posture Management Demystified

Human illness is inevitable. So are data breaches. In 2023 alone, there were 10,626 confirmed data breaches, doubling that in 2022 (5,199 breaches). You cannot protect yourself 100% from getting ill. But you can proactively adopt a healthy lifestyle and habits to help reduce the risk and the impact of an illness and recover quickly. Similarly, your organization cannot protect itself 100% from the outcome of a data breach.