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Is it Time to Rethink Your Security Stack?

The cybersecurity threat landscape is constantly evolving, requiring organizations to regularly evaluate their security stack to ensure it not only offers the highest level of protection, but is operated by a firm with a long track record of developing, implementing, and properly maintaining the highest quality security tools.

Indusface - Product Release & Rollout SOP

Business continuity is at the forefront of most systems and process design at Indusface. In a recent blog, we discussed how Indusface follows design-for-failure principles a powerful approach that enables us to deploy faster. In this blog, I will talk about the processes we have to ensure that our code and rule deployments do not cause widespread downtime to our protected assets.

A Guide to Open Source Software

Open source software (OSS) is software for which the original authors have granted express copyright and usage permissions to allow all users to access, view, and modify the source code of these programs however they see fit and without the need to pay royalties. This is in contrast to proprietary, closed source software, which typically requires a paid license and cannot be added to, modified, or distributed by anyone except the owner of the rights to the software.

FAQ: How Are STIGs, SRGs, SCAP, and CCIs Related?

In the world of government-adjacent security and compliance, there are many different terms and acronyms you’ll encounter for the processes you have to perform. Often, these terms are interrelated in a single process, so you tend to learn them in clusters. One such cluster includes STIGs, SRGs, SCAP, and CCIs. What are these, what do they mean, and what do you need to do to utilize them properly? Let’s answer the most commonly asked questions.

Avoiding Scams During the 2024 Paris Olympics

Breakdancing is coming to the world stage while French citizens stage a creative protest with the hashtag “JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin.” We’ll leave the dirty research on that to you. Regardless, the ramp-up to the 2024 Paris Olympics is proving to be an exciting and controversial affair. However, the Olympic call isn’t reserved for top athletes and sports enthusiasts. It’s also a prime opportunity for scam artists and fraudsters to exploit an influx of tourists.

Business Logic Vulnerability - Examples and Attack Prevention

Breaking into an organisation’s IT infra doesn’t always require complex methods. Hackers often exploit normal applications and API functions in unexpected ways to access sensitive data. For example, the 2019 Venmo breach involved the exploitation of an open API to scrape millions of payment records. A design oversight in the API allowed attackers to exploit its normal functions in an unintended manner—scraping payment records without proper authorization.

Phishing Awareness Training: 10 Reasons Why Yours Isn't Working

Phishers are in the business of deception. They trick unsuspecting individuals into compromising sensitive data, potentially bringing an entire organization to its knees. Awareness training for employees is one of the most important tools a company can use in its anti-phishing strategy. However, it also has its downsides. Some of these flaws can, and should be fixed. Others leave no choice but to complement training with additional anti-phishing tools.

How to Implement Cyber Security Monitoring in 2024

Cyber security monitoring refers to the continuous observation and analysis of an organisation's network and information systems to detect and respond to security threats. It plays a vital role in protecting sensitive data and preventing data breaches, making it an essential practice in 2024. In today's digital landscape, the frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks have dramatically increased.