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How highly effective CISOs lean forward with proactive risk management

No executive wants to be blindsided by risks that should have been reasonably anticipated, especially the CEO, CFO, and board members. In the CISO Desk Reference Guide, Gary Hayslip, Bill Bonney, and I wrote extensively about how CISOs play a critical role in contextualizing digital and cyber risks to the organization’s broader enterprise risk management practices.

Chameleon Malware Poses as CRM App

Researchers at ThreatFabric warn that a phishing campaign is distributing the Chameleon Android malware by impersonating a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) app. The campaign is currently targeting users in Canada and Europe, but may expand to other regions. “The naming used for the dropper and the payloads clearly shows that the intended victims of the campaign are hospitality workers and potentially B2C business employees in general,” ThreatFabric says.

Four easy ways to analyze your Java and Kotlin code

Nowadays, the security of your applications is just as important as the functionality they provide. Therefore, analyzing your code for security vulnerabilities is a vital part of maintaining the integrity of your applications and protecting your users' data. As developers, we are at the front lines of this battle. It's our responsibility to ensure that the code we write is not just functional and efficient but also secure.

Thwarting Cyberattacks: Top In-House Solutions

There is no doubt that the number (and severity) of cyberattacks is on the rise. While the lion's share of attention has been devoted to major breaches that often impact multinational organisations, the fact of the matter is that small- to medium-sized enterprises are also at risk. This is why managers and stakeholders must adopt the latest safety protocols to avoid incidents that might otherwise quickly bring operations to a halt. Let us look at four practical suggestions, and the unique benefits associated with each.

Top Reasons to Invest in Aluminum Gates

When it comes to securing your home while maintaining an attractive exterior, aluminum gates are an exceptional choice. Whether you have a modern or traditional home, aluminum fences provide the perfect balance between security and aesthetic appeal. At Aluglobus Fence, we specialize in crafting custom aluminum gates that offer both style and durability, ensuring your home remains safe and welcoming.

Supercharge domain discovery with AI-powered External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Modern organizations have sprawling attacks surfaces of known and unknown assets that grow each day. This means understanding and managing your external attack surface is more crucial than ever. But with the vast number of digital assets that organizations need to monitor, accurately identifying every component of your attack surface can seem overwhelming – which is why many turn to External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

The Art of Deception: Turning the Tables on Attackers with Active Defenses

Once an attacker enters your network, one of their first actions will be to try and hide their tracks by blending in, using methods of deception such as mimicking normal user activities. A cyber defender can also use methods of deception to detect and slow the advance of these adversaries. This is known as an active defense. This article will discuss some methods of using Active Defences, sometimes referred to as ’deceptions,’ as one part of a comprehensive cyber defense strategy.

DORA's Reach: How UK ICT Service Providers Are Affected

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is set to reshape the landscape of financial services in the European Union. But its impact extends beyond EU borders, particularly affecting UK-based Information and Communication Technology (ICT) service providers. Let’s explore how DORA might influence these providers and what steps they should consider taking.

What is a Cyber Advisor?

Certifications are a great way for customers to get confidence that the company they’re trusting with their cyber security is up to the job. So, when the Cyber Advisor scheme was launched, we thought it was a great opportunity to invest in our staff. In this Q&A blog we’ll look at what a Cyber Advisor is, what it means for your business, and what it means to our staff – as we talk to Bulletproof’s first Cyber Advisor, Jemma Aldridge.