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What is a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP)?

Authentication is the process that verifies the user's identity to control access to resources, prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to the system, and record user activities (to hold them accountable for their activities). It is used to authenticate users who log on to a server, ensure that software comes from a reputable source, and ensure that the person sending the message is who he says he is.

Best Practices for Continuous Vulnerability Management

Continuous vulnerability management is not just a best practice—it's a necessity. With so many open-source dependencies to choose from (almost 3 million on the npm registry!), it’s no wonder supply chain security incidents are the focus of malicious actors. Let’s not forget the rise of ChatGPT, LLM chatbots, and AI-assisted code generation.

5 things to look for When choosing an XDR Solution

With the rise of data breaches and hacking attempts, a strong cybersecurity posture is the most significant need today. Given the scale of cybercrime growth, you need to carefully consider several key factors that will ultimately impact the cybersecurity solution you pick. Businesses have realized the value of their data; now they must invest in tools to easily detect and respond to security issues.

What Is a Black Hat Hacker?

A black hat hacker is a cybercriminal who accesses your computer systems and network without your knowledge to steal data, disrupt systems and extort money. Black hat hackers try to take advantage of an organization’s security vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to software, systems and networks. Once they gain access to an organization’s data, black hat hackers may hold the data for ransom or sell it to other businesses or cybercriminals.

Part 2: Why Threat Intelligence Sharing Is Essential for Scalable Security Operations Today

Cybersecurity in 2024 has seen a shift toward open, collaborative intelligence sharing across industries. This shift is promising but not yet complete; significant gaps remain in intelligence sharing, especially following cyber incidents. Victim organizations are often hesitant to share attack details due to fears of reputational damage and stigmatization.

Global age verification laws: how to maintain compliance and keep friction low

New age verification laws are popping up around the world. Learn what these laws are and how to stay compliant. Kerwell is a product marketing manager focused on Persona’s identity verification solutions. He enjoys watching basketball and exploring the world with his German Shepherd. Kerwell is a product marketing manager focused on Persona’s identity verification solutions. He enjoys watching basketball and exploring the world with his German Shepherd.

Elevating DevSecOps: JFrog and GitHub's Unified Platform Experience Deepens

Developers are expected to write new and more complex code to create leading-edge features in new software releases at a relenting pace. To do this they are looking for help from AI assistants like GitHub Copilot to help write better code, faster. They want to write, debug, and secure their code simultaneously, driving the need for leading-edge products like Copilot Autofix.

What's New with the TSA's Oil and Gas Security Directives?

In recent years, the security of the United States' critical infrastructure has become a pressing concern, particularly in the oil and gas sector, due to its pivotal role in the nation's economy and energy supply. Recognizing this, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) implements several new directives in July each year aimed at enhancing the security and resilience of vital energy infrastructure against various threats, including cyber-attacks and physical disruptions.

Top 5 SAST Auto-fixing Tools and How They Compare

7 hours. That’s how long, on average, a developer takes to remediate a security issue in their code. Vulnerability detection is improving rapidly and scaling, but remediating security risks is still a tedious, time-consuming process that takes developers away from their core work. And now, with AI-generated code introducing vulnerabilities at greater speed and volume than ever before, remediation is taking even more time.

Simplify and streamline identity security and management to protect your business using AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory and One Identity Active Roles

Active Directory (AD) is the most prolific identity platform in the world. Like many companies already using AD on-premises, you may now be considering extending your identity environment to the cloud to create a hybrid landscape. There are many reasons behind this: resource constraints, strategy evolution, merger, acquisition or otherwise.