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Boosting Mobile Defense: A Comprehensive Guide to Mobile Security

Your organization’s mobile security strategy is a vital part of your overall cybersecurity posture. Not only do mobile devices contain valuable personal data, but they also serve as a gateway to the information you store in the cloud. If you issue smartphones and tablets to your employees, a single high-profile vulnerability could compromise dozens of devices. If you embrace bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies, you may not have any visibility into the applications your employees use.

OT Security Challenges and Solutions for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Critical infrastructure systems, such as power plants, water treatment plants, transportation networks, and factories, depend on operational technology (OT) to work. OT systems are meant to handle physical devices and processes, while traditional IT systems are mostly concerned with keeping data and information safe. Because of this main difference, OT security is very hard, especially since OT networks are becoming more and more linked to IT networks, which makes them more open to cyber dangers.

Introducing Veracode Risk Manager: A New Chapter in ASPM Built for Scale

In a digital world that’s evolving faster than ever, industry landscapes are shifting, and customer needs are becoming more complex. At Veracode, we recognize these fundamental changes in the application security space. That’s why Veracode strategically acquired Longbow Security, now rebranded as Veracode Risk Manager.

Your AppSec Journey Demystified: Driving Effective API Security with Wallarm and StackHawk

There is no doubt that attackers have shifted their attention to APIs. Wallarm’s API ThreatStats research identifies that 70% of attacks now target APIs instead of Web Applications. While APIs have become the backbone of innovation and connectivity for businesses, they have also introduced a vast attack surface that’s challenging to defend with traditional methods alone.

OpenShift Disaster Recovery: Ensuring Business Continuity

What happens if your critical OpenShift applications suddenly crash due to a major system failure or cyber attack? How fast could you bounce back and get things running again? Having a solid OpenShift disaster recovery plan isn’t just a nice-to-have — it’s essential for keeping your business going when the unexpected hits. This guide walks you through the key elements of building a strong disaster recovery setup for your OpenShift environment.

Beyond Compliance: Building a Resilient Security Strategy with the ISM and Essential Eight

In today’s complex cybersecurity landscape, addressing the controls within the Australian Government’s Information Security Manual (ISM) and the Essential Eight (E8) is critical when seeking to build rapport and work with the Australian Government. Australian cybersecurity regulations like the ISM and E8 outline foundational steps, including cybersecurity best practices and controls for data protection strategies.

Snyk named a Customer Favorite in The Forrester Wave: Software Composition Analysis Software, Q4 2024 Report

Snyk is proud to announce that our developer security platform has been recognized as a Leader in The Forrester Wave: Software Composition Analysis (SCA) Software, Q4 2024 report. In this evaluation, we were one of just three Leaders and were named a Customer Favorite.

CloudCasa November Feature Updates - Support KubeVirt!

Following our previous release by less than a month, our November feature update (which we are not coincidentally releasing just before KubeCon NA 2024) is dedicated to providing enhanced support for KubeVirt and KubeVirt-based systems such as SUSE Harvester and Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. KubeVirt is a Kubernetes extension that lets users natively run traditional Virtual Machine (VM) workloads alongside container workloads in their Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters.

LLM Risks: Chaining Prompt Injection with Excessive Agency

Alongside an explosion in the popularity of large language models (LLMs) across many industries, there has also been an increase in the level of trust granted to these models. Whereas LLMs were once perceived as simple, friendly chatbots that could respond to basic questions or pull useful resources from the web based on user input, many have now been granted the ability to perform actions, anywhere from sending an email to deploying code. This is referred to as agency.