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A Review of Log4Shell Detection Methods

Ever since the public exploit of the Log4Shell remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability became known on December 10, 2021, security teams have been scrambling to understand the risk to their environments. Part of that scramble has been to ascertain which tools are best positioned to help detect the vulnerability. Which approaches are most effective and where do they fall short?

Detecting Log4j exploits via Zeek when Java downloads Java

We have published an initial blog on the Log4j exploit and a followup blog with a second detection method for detecting the first stage of exploits occurring over LDAP. Today, we will discuss a third detection method, this one focused on the second-stage download that happens after the first stage completes. In this case, the JVM will download additional Java code payloads over HTTP.

Detecting Log4j via Zeek & LDAP traffic

We recently discussed some methods for detecting the Log4j exploit, and we’ve now developed another method that everyone running Zeek® or a Corelight sensor can use. Our new approach is based on the rarity of legitimate downloads of Java via LDAP. Zeek does not currently have a native LDAP protocol analyzer (though one is available if you are running Spicy). This will not stop you from detecting this exploit downloading Java over LDAP, though. To see how, read on.

Simplifying detection of Log4Shell

Security workers across the world have been busy since last Friday dealing with CVE-2021-44228, the log4j 0-day known as Log4Shell, that is already being heavily exploited across the Internet. Given the huge number of systems that embed the vulnerable library, the myriad ways that attackers can exploit the vulnerability, and the fact that automated exploitation has already begun, defenders should expect to be dealing with it for the foreseeable future.

MDR and MSS Are No Longer 'Nice to Have' For Cyber Resilience, They're Mandatory

In today’s evolving threat landscape, the decision of whether to bring in external talent expertise is no longer optional. During the 2021 Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit, we heard other facts and figures that aligned with the needs of our customers and of the market. At the summit, Gartner analysts noted that organizations must have partnerships with MSS/MDR providers and security consulting firms if security is to enable corporate business objectives.

Situational awareness for CISA FECB playbooks

CISA recently released a set of playbooks for the Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) to provide improved cybersecurity incident response (IR) and vulnerability response. As was demonstrated by the SolarWinds SUNBURST attack in December 2020, coordination and reporting across the FCEB continues to be a challenge. Adding to this challenge is the situation where agencies have differing playbooks on how to handle confirmed malicious cyber activity where a major incident has been identified.