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Understanding The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) Privacy Rule

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, known as the GLBA, was passed in 1999 under President Clinton. The goal of the GLBA was to update and modernize the financial industry. Today, it’s primarily used to protect customer and consumer information, with steep penalties for financial institutions that violate its privacy rules. Here’s what you need to know about the GLBA and its regulations.

Nightfall Introduces 3 Powerful Remediation Features to Enhance Security Teams' Efficiency

Our team has been hard at work with continuous updates to improve and streamline the Nightfall DLP platform. We wanted to share with you the latest platform updates guaranteed to improve the speed at which security administrators and teams will be able to remediate incidents. Here’s what’s new.

How to protect your sensitive data with automatic classification and labeling

This is a data-driven era. Every day tons of data are generated and it is a herculean task to manually provide security to all the data that is produced. Large enterprises generate huge amounts of data that are maintained by ERP systems like SAP. Transactions with third-party vendors and partners happen almost every day with lots of data being exchanged.

How does sensitive information end up in observability platforms?

Observability (logs, traces, metrics) is a core tenet to building strong software systems. Logs are used to debug issues and check on system activity, traces provide valuable insights into system performance and architecture, and metrics allow engineering teams to closely track business metrics within their systems.

NIST vs ISO Compliance: What's the Difference?

As businesses and health organizations seek to strengthen cybersecurity, they’re turning frequently to compliance frameworks to help prioritize, guide, and improve decision-making and implementation. Two of the more popular compliance frameworks are the NIST CSF and the ISO 27001. For IT teams seeking to better understand the difference between these frameworks, as well as which is the ideal tool for their business, here’s what to know.

Five worthy reads: Wielding privacy-enhancing technologies for secure data sharing

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week let’s zoom in on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), which deals with the common, yet pressing concern of data privacy and security. Illustrated by Balaji K R

Small Talk: putting data privacy at the forefront with your customers

Conversations about consumer data privacy grow louder each year, with the news headlines to match. Trust in the technology sector is now at an all-time low and customers are increasingly concerned about the privacy of their personal information. It’s become a serious topic that all business owners need to follow, not just security specialists and tech bloggers.

8 Must-Ask Questions to Consider: Rubrik Ransomware Recovery Assessment

2021 was the year of ransomware. You couldn’t watch or read the news without hearing about another business falling victim. Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that a ransomware attack took place every 11 seconds in 2021, with global damages reaching an estimated $20 billion – that is 57x more than it was in 2015. Unfortunately, the reality is that ransomware is here to stay, and every organization, regardless of industry or size, is a potential target.