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What is Data Exfiltration?

Data exfiltration, quite simply, is the risk of your data ending up somewhere it doesn’t belong. Though this definition might seem simple, understanding this risk is quite complicated — especially as companies migrate their data into the cloud. Companies that work remotely using cloud platforms like Google Drive, AWS, or Jira often struggle to maintain the visibility needed to ensure their data remains secure.

How to Secure Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

PII, or Personally Identifiable Information, is any information that directly or indirectly identifies an individual, such as name, address, payment information, or contact information. The U.S. The Department of Homeland Security defines a second category of PII: Sensitive PII, which includes Social Security Numbers, driver’s license numbers, Alien Registration numbers, financial or medical records, biometrics, and criminal history.

Your Cell Phone and Your Identity: Keeping Your PII Safe

Have you considered how often your phone number has been shared? Most of us give out our cell phone numbers all the time – to friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and even big, monolithic, impersonal companies. We may even print them on business cards or list them on public forums. A cell phone is no longer just a way to contact someone to engage in conversation.

Become Cyber Resilient and Evade the Impact of Ransomware Attacks on Your Microsoft 365

Your Microsoft 365 data is a prime target for ransomware. Attackers know that Microsoft 365 lives directly in the path of business-critical operations now more than ever. As highlighted by Mandiant – one of the industry's leading cyber security firms – this translates to “targeted threat groups investing a lot of time and money into understanding Office 365 and understanding how to attack it.”

How the Cloud Can Help with Data Loss Prevention

Data loss can cause tremendous damage to a business. It diminishes trust in your brand and can lead to financial losses from lawsuits, fines for non-compliance, and theft of intellectual property. Data loss prevention (DLP) is the set of practices and tools designed to prevent data leakage through intentional and unintentional misuse. These practices and tools include encryption, detection, preventative measures, educational pop-ups, and even machine learning to identify vulnerabilities.

What is Unstructured Data?

Unstructured data is data that cannot be processed and analyzed using conventional data tools and methods: qualitative data, such as customer feedback or social media posts are considered unstructured data. Unstructured data is particularly prevalent in the healthcare industry, where patient records, doctors’ notes, and other unstructured data can make upward of 80% of data within a healthcare organization.

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Experts offer advice for Data Protection and Privacy Day 2022

Data Protection Day as it's marked across Europe, or Data Privacy Day, internationally, is an annual marker in a very challenging cybersecurity challenging calendar. Consumer data is regularly stolen, and enterprises and public sector organisations are often in the headlines because of incessant attacks from cybercriminals as well as from accidental privacy misadventures.

The Security Playbook for Remote-first Organizations

The sudden shift to remote work in 2020 exposed companies to a variety of new security challenges that haven’t gone away. Review the seven most crucial areas of security for emerging remote-first organizations. Continue reading below or feel free to download a copy of this playbook. We’ll also include our free Post-COVID Security Checklist as a reference you can keep in your back pocket.

4 Data Governance Best Practices

Data governance is the principled approach to managing data during its life cycle — from the moment you generate or collect data to its disposal. Good data governance ensures that data is kept private, accurate, usable, and most of all: secure. Data governance is a broad term, and as a result, good data governance encompasses everything from user behavior to technology to policies and compliance regulations.