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Nightfall vs. Netskope: Looking for a Netskope Alternative?

Ransomware, phishing, and malware are persistent and ever-evolving threats that today’s remote workspaces need to consider. The shift to a remote-first office, which for many has become permanent, has meant that companies need to be better equipped to protect their data in the cloud. Today, more than 45% of malware is delivered via the cloud.

Nightfall vs. Aware: Looking for an alternative to Aware?

Most companies are determined to make remote work feasible for the future. To do so, they need the right tools to maintain data security while their employees work here, there, and everywhere. There are many tools on the market that enable cloud security, and understanding which options are right for your business can be confusing. Different vendors offer different features, compliance with different regulations, levels of complexity, and types of coverage.

The State of Data Security in 2022: The CISOs Perspective

In the two years proceeding from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the business world has been transformed on a grand scale. Organizations have created more data than ever before, data is now spread across a wider attack surface, putting it at a heightened risk of becoming a compromised risk. The manner and location of data storage and correspondence has had to shift to meet the needs of remote and hybrid workers, with companies being forced to take a more rigorous approach to data security.

Nightfall's New Console Provides Actionable Analytics & Centralized UI for Solving Data Security Risk

The Nightfall platform is a SaaS data protection platform already known for its high accuracy findings and analytics. Now, thanks to new features baked into the Nightfall Console, users will have enhanced analytics functionality through an elegant and easy to navigate dashboard interface. Watch the video demo below for a walkthrough of changes, or read the rest of the post to learn more.

HIPAA for Dummies: The Ultimate HIPAA Security and Compliance FAQ

Building a HIPAA-compliant security program is a very time intensive and demanding undertaking. It can also be confusing, as satisfying requirements like the HIPAA Security Rule require extensive interpretation and documentation on the part of security professionals. However, by arming yourself with knowledge before beginning the process, you can cut down on unnecessary difficulties.

Nightfall vs. BetterCloud: Looking for a BetterCloud alternative?

By one estimate, the average company has a whopping 254 SaaS apps (with enterprises averaging 364 apps). Employees may not be using all 250+ SaaS platforms regularly; this leaves dozens of apps with unchecked access to the business’ IT environment — a big security risk. Tools like Nightfall and BetterCloud aim to reduce this potential risk in different ways.

6 proactive measures you can take to protect your data

Cybercrime is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face today. While many small and medium-sized businesses think they are unlikely targets as they are small in size, it is to be noted that any business whether big or small can be easy prey to cyber-attacks if it is not adequately prepared.

Nightfall vs. Prisma Cloud: Looking for a Prisma Cloud Alternative?

There are many types of solutions available to organizations that seek to secure their data in the cloud. From cloud DLP to Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) to Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPPs). But, how can you tell which approach to cloud security is right for your business? In this guide, we’ll compare two popular cloud security solutions: Prisma Cloud, a CNSP, to Nightfall, a cloud DLP solution, to help shed some light on the differences between these two approaches.

What is PII? Guide To Personally Identifiable Information

“PII” stands for personally identifiable information. Hackers often target personally identifiable information for a variety of reasons: to steal a customer’s identity, take over an account, launch a phishing attack, or damage an organization. As a result, there is a multitude of regulations concerning PII protection. Before your company approaches meeting these regulations, it’s important to have a firm understanding of the data you will be protecting.

Everything to know about SaaS data security

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is becoming the dominant way enterprises access digital tools. While this delivery method has many advantages, from scalability to consistent security updates, it can create significant vulnerabilities if developers and users aren’t careful. Organizations today use more than 100 SaaS apps on average, and that figure keeps climbing.