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Data Destruction: The Final Line of Defense Against Cyber Attacks

Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations, and while watertight data protection policies are undeniably crucial, the need for robust data destruction methods has never been more pressing. Ultimately, all parties and vendors in your supply chain trust you to maintain the integrity of their data. Once that data is no longer needed, transparency about its whereabouts is vital.

Volatile Data Acquisition on Linux Systems Using fmem

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. Memory forensics is a critical aspect of digital forensics, allowing investigators to analyze the volatile memory of a system to uncover evidence of malicious activity, detect hidden malware, and reconstruct system events.

DFPM and DSPM: Two Steps Towards Modernizing Data Security

Data security is evolving. This evolution is making the need to understand what is going on with your data more critical. Teams need to be able to answer questions like, where is data being stored? Which vendor or team is using it? When is sensitive data being used? Where is data being sent?

DFARS 7012 Class Deviation and NIST 800-171 Rev 3 Guidance for DIBs

NIST 800-171 revision 3 was released on May 14, 2024, prompting DoD to issue an indefinite class deviation for DFARS 252.204-7012, Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting (DFARS 7012). US Defense Industrial Base (DIB) contractors must now comply with NIST SP 800-171 revision 2 rather than the version in effect at the time the solicitation is issued, as was previously required.

Is Slack using your data to train their AI models? Here's what you need to know.

AI is everywhere—but how can you be sure that your data isn’t being used to train the AI models that power your favorite SaaS apps like Slack? This topic reached a fever pitch on Hacker News last week, when a flurry of Slack users vented their frustrations about the messaging app’s obtuse privacy policy. The main issue?

What Are the Benefits of Using Data Masking Software in Ensuring Security?

Businesses face a crucial challenge of safeguarding sensitive data while ensuring compliance and enabling seamless operations. Data masking software emerges as a powerful solution, striking a balance between robust protection and practical utility. This innovative technology transforms sensitive information into fictitious yet realistic data, rendering it unrecognizable to unauthorized individuals while preserving integrity for legitimate uses.

The Top 8 Endpoint DLP Solutions in 2024

Endpoint Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions are critical tools for organizations looking to safeguard sensitive information from insider threats, unintentional leaks, and external attacks. These solutions monitor, detect, and block the transfer of valuable data outside company networks, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. In this post, we’ll explore the top eight endpoint DLP solutions that offer robust security features, ease of use, and integration capabilities.

How Do Cybercriminals Gather Personal Information About Their Targets?

Cybercriminals gather personal information about their targets by using social engineering techniques, looking at social media accounts and collecting data that gets leaked from public data breaches. The more personal information a cybercriminal can collect about their target, the easier it is for them to launch cyber attacks that their targets will easily fall for. Continue reading to learn more about how cybercriminals gather their target’s personal information and how you can keep your data safe.

How Should Sensitive Information Be Stored?

When we think about storing sensitive information, two types of information come to mind: digital data and physical data. While physical data can be securely stored in a physical vault, digital data should be stored in an encrypted cloud storage solution to protect it from common cyber threats. Continue reading to learn the best ways to store your sensitive physical and digital information, plus the storage methods to avoid.