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How Do Law Firms Protect Their Clients' Data?

In this technologically advanced era, law firms may start to store sensitive information about their clients' cases on computers. But they need to be able to protect this information properly so that it does not fall into the hands of malicious people. Knowing what the other side knows and being able to use that information against them in a litigation process is very valuable. During the litigation process, the other side may want to access this information ambitiously, and the law firm in Indiana's job is to protect this information in the best way possible and keep its client safe.

How to Protect Your Business from Data Leaks

Friday, Jul 19th, 2024 In this blog, we're going to discuss how you can protect your business from data leaks that can result from insecure application programming interfaces. Cloud native applications are composed of loosely coupled microservices, which are predominantly intercommunicating via APIs.

How to Stop Data Leaks in Their Tracks

Data leaks are a growing concern for organizations due to the rising volume of sensitive information stored digitally. Leaks occur when sensitive data is inadvertently exposed, and they can easily lead to cyber attacks, reputational damage, and enormous financial costs. The best way to protect against them is to stop them from occurring in the first place. In this blog, we’ll delve into the common causes of leaks and best practices to bolster data security and prevent data leaks effectively. ‍

Key Learnings from the Disney Breach: 5 Ways to Stop Secret Sprawl

Do you have secrets sprawled across your tech stack? The recent Disney breach is as good a reminder as any to check, because it’s likely that you do. But first, let’s take a closer look at the Disney breach to understand what may have gone wrong, and how you can prevent a similar breach from happening to your business.

Nightfall AI vs. Google DLP

In today’s cloud-based work environments, it’s all too easy for assets with sensitive data like PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and intellectual property (IP) to be sprawled across the enterprise tech stack. With the skyrocketing costs of data breaches, one sprawled secret can cost organizations an average of $4.45 million. This is where Data Leak Prevention (DLP) solutions come in to limit secret sprawl, prevent data leaks, and ensure continuous compliance with leading standards.

CIO POV: Rethinking Data Security Post-Snowflake Customer Attacks

Watching the recent Snowflake customer attacks unfold felt a bit like rewatching a horror movie with predictable attack sequences and missed opportunities to run to safety. But this time, the ending was far more devasting. More than 100 organizations were exposed, and many are now grappling with the impacts of data theft and extortion in what some are calling one of the largest breaches in history.

One platform, complete protection: why data security is moving on from point solutions

As the world enters the AI Era, CISOs and CIOs are looking at data security with renewed interest and urgency. Instead of multiple overlapping yet disconnected tools, it’s time for one unified platform to trace and secure data wherever it goes.

Modern data security: why the convergence of DLP and IRM is more effective than the sum of its parts

In the past decade, organizations seeking to protect sensitive data from negligent or malicious insiders faced two choices: invest in a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) product or an Insider Risk Management (IRM) product. These solutions addressed the same problem from different angles. DLP products focused on analyzing data content to control its movement, while IRM products monitored user behavior for risky actions.