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What Are the 5 Components of the COSO Framework?

In 1985, The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) originally formed to enable the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting. COSO’s original goal, to review causal factors leading to fraudulent financial reporting, ultimately evolved as more technologies became embedded in the process.

To phish or not to phish?

We are all no doubt aware of phishing. That age-old practice of sending fraudulent emails with the hope of gaining financial details, obtaining account credentials or tricking a user into installing malicious software. The practice is not new. In fact, before the wide-spread use of the internet, people would often receive letters claiming that they had won some sort of competition and to claim their prize, all they had to do was send some cash to front the delivery costs.

Preventing 'Unlimited' ATM Cash-out Attacks

On August 10th, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a global fraud warning that an ‘unlimited’ ATM cash-out scheme was about to occur. While this did not stop criminals from making off with over $13.5 million USD from one bank in India, it did highlight the importance of early warning fraud systems and layered defense mechanisms.

Stanchion and INETCO Webinar: 3 Ways to Improve Early Warning Fraud Detection at the ATM

Are you ready to combat the next generation of advanced persistent threats? Following a major data security breach, one of the largest financial services groups in Africa asked for help in architecting and implementing a stronger first line of defense against fraud at ATMs.