Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


CloudCasa Demo - How to Install the CloudCasa Agent from the SUSE Rancher Apps & Marketplace

Watch this short video to learn how to install the CloudCasa backup agent on your Rancher clusters from the Helm chart in Rancher Apps & Marketplace. Use the CloudCasa free service tier to protect your cluster resource data and create and manage snapshots of your persistent volumes, with no limits on the number of snapshots, worker nodes or clusters.

In Search For a Perfect Access Control System

Every cloud has its own identity and access management system. AWS and Google use a bunch of JSON files specifying various rules. Open source projects like Kubernetes support three concurrent access control models - attribute-based, role-based and a webhook access control, all expressed using YAML. Some teams are going as far as inventing their own programming language to solve this evergreen problem.

Managing Security Debt: How to Reduce Security Deficit

Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the number of reported security vulnerabilities, along with quite a few notorious attacks on enterprise applications. Organizations have reacted by increasing their investment in AppSec and DevSecOps, including the widespread adoption of AST (application security testing) tools.

Breaking Containers to Improve Security: Docker and Snyk

What does a container exploit look like? What happens when someone breaks into your container? How can Docker and Snyk integration help you fix these problems? This Docker Workshop "Breaking Containers to Improve Security" answers these questions in a live hack demo. Snyk and Docker partner to power image scanning behind Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Snyk's new vulnerability cards - fix issues fast with a new look and feel

One of our missions at Snyk is a simple one: help developers fix things easily. We further our mission by releasing features and improvements as quickly as possible, but it’s also just as important that developers have an experience which helps them gain as much value from Snyk as possible. This includes being able to quickly understand what needs to be fixed, and making that task incredibly easy.

Snyk Code: An Introduction to Dev-First SAST

Conventional Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools are limited by lengthy scan times and poor accuracy – returning too many false positives. Sound familiar? That's why Snyk developed a new approach to finding and fixing code vulnerabilities with a developer-friendly experience – introducing: Snyk Code! Watch this live demo of Snyk Code to see how it integrates into Snyk's Cloud Native Application Security platform to help developers build software securely across the entire stack – including the code, open source, containers, Kubernetes, and IaC.