Artificial Intelligence (AI) and companion coding can help developers write software faster than ever. However, as companies look to adopt AI-powered companion coding, they must be aware of the strengths and limitations of different approaches – especially regarding code security. Watch this 4-minute video to see a developer generate insecure code with ChatGPT, find the flaw with static analysis, and secure it with Veracode Fix to quickly develop a function without writing any code.
DevSecOps best practices are increasingly being adopted to secure software supply chains. The challenge is finding ways to optimize these processes. Here are seven key considerations to help you adopt a successful and secure DevSecOps methodology.
The other week in San Francisco at IETF117, a group of developers and subject matter experts gathered to do just that. The IETF mission is: “To make the internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the internet.” This standards body is quite unique – anyone with the right passion can join. Believe it or not, humming is a measure of consensus.
As secrets have a role in most security incidents, Snyk is excited to partner with GitGuardian to help development and security teams scale their security programs and further reduce an application's attack surface at every stage of the code-to-cloud lifecycle. We recently spoke at GitGuardian's first digital conference, CodeSecDays, joining security leaders from Chainguard, Doppler, Kondukto, and more — who shared insights on software signing, open source security, and secrets management.
Last month, Adobe’s Chief Trust Officer Dana Rao testified to Congress about the importance of content provenance, encouraging Congress to require platforms to maintain proof of origin for content, ensuring that “attributions are not stripped away, and artists can receive credit for their work.” Following Rao’s testimony, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and other AI leaders met at the White House to voluntarily agree to “ Develop and deploy mechanisms that enable users to under
As the partnership between Snyk and GitGuardian continues to grow, we’ve collaborated on a new cheat sheet that identifies key security considerations and tools that can help you mitigate risks and protect your code. The journey from code to cloud and back to code necessitates a holistic approach to security.
Veracode recently released Static Analysis support for Dart 3 and Flutter 3.10. This makes it possible for developers to leverage the power of Dart and Flutter and deliver more secure mobile applications by finding and resolving security flaws earlier in the development lifecycle when they are fastest and least expensive to fix.
DevSecOps is an impeccable methodology that combines development, operations (DevOps), and security practices in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). In this methodology, security comes into play from the beginning and is a shared responsibility instead of an afterthought. However, with the ever-evolving digital landscape, and continuous use of third-party and open-source components, DevSecOps teams need to fortify this methodology to minimize the risk and make their software more resilient.