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Application Security

The latest News and Information on Application Security including monitoring, testing, and open source.

Secure Coding Best Practices & WAAP for Application Hardening (Sanjay - Executive Director, MSCI)

Overview: In this podcast, Sanjay (Executive Director, MSCI) talks to Venky about secure coding best practices & methods to handle customer-sensitive data. He also shares why securing software isn't an accident and requires cautious efforts at an organizational level to make it possible.

Synopsys named in 2023 Fortress Cyber Security Awards

Synopsys named a winner in the Application Security Organization category for a 2023 Fortress Cyber Security Award. The Business Intelligence Group today announced the winners of the 2023 Fortress Cyber Security Awards. The award program identifies and rewards the world’s leading companies and products that work to keep our data and electronic assets safe among a growing threat from hackers. Synopsys is honored to be recognized for this distinction.
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Winning Management Support as an AppSec Leader

As an Application Security (AppSec) leader, one of the most significant challenges you might face is securing management support for your program. This lack of support often results in under-resourced AppSec teams feeling frustrated and unable to make a meaningful impact. To foster an environment where your team feels valued and prevents burnout, AppSec leaders must prioritize gaining additional resources. In many organizations, security tends to climb the priority ladder slowly, requiring AppSec leaders to put in extra effort to secure the necessary approvals. Here are three strategies that can help you win management buy-in and create a better environment for your team.

Synopsys named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing for the seventh year

In the 2023 Gartner® Magic QuadrantTM for Application Security Testing, Synopsys placed highest and furthest right for the fifth consecutive year for our Ability to Execute and our Completeness of Vision.

A New Era of AppSec: 10 Times as a Leader in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing

Ten represents the completion of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, as there are ten digits in our base-10 number system. We've scanned nearly 140 trillion lines of code, so we can’t help but pick up on the one and the zero in our exciting announcement. It's the tenth publication of the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Application Security Testing (AST), and we are pleased to announce we are a Leader for the tenth consecutive time.

Leveraging Security Asset Inventories

Asset inventories enable you to know what you have to secure, and to monitor it for deviations. The pace of iteration in the world of software engineering makes those platforms inevitable. In this episode we welcome Sacha Faust, director of security engineering at Grammarly, who built Cartography, one of the first open source asset inventory. Sacha describes what led them to building this (funnily: an offensive use case!), how inventories enable spreading ownership to software teams, the solution that exist off the shelf today, …

Cloud Security: Turns Out We Needed Another Acronym (CNAPP)

Gartner’s 2023 “Market Guide for Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms” (CNAPP) caused some security leaders to question whether they need yet another tool to protect the complex beast that is the cloud. Procuring yet another shiny security product is probably not how you earn the envy of your peers, but if your organization relies on shipping secure applications fast, then CNAPP should be on your radar. What exactly is CNAPP?

Detection strategies to unmask the source of malicious code

Having malicious code detection strategies in place is critical to keeping your software supply chain secure. Let’s imagine you discover a string of suspicious code within one of your applications. Perhaps a routine scan by your application testing team finds a point of interest that indicates malicious code, such as a time bomb or back door, has been inserted by a malicious insider within your software supply chain.