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Application Security

The latest News and Information on Application Security including monitoring, testing, and open source.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Application Security 2023 - Appknox Among Top Vendors in Mobile Application Security Testing

Gartner Hype Cycle for 2023 assesses the levels of maturity, adoption, and societal effects associated with emerging technologies in the field of Application Security. The 2023 report serves as a valuable resource for organizations seeking insights into the influence of security technologies on their applications. It also highlights the market leaders in the respective fields - Appknox being this year's leading vendor in mobile application security testing. Supply Chain Defender

Mend Supply Chain Defender helps protect enterprises against software supply chain attacks. It detects and blocks malicious open source packages before your developer can download them — and before they can pollute your codebase with malicious activity. Mend Supply Chain Defender has already detected and reported thousands of malicious packages that were swiftly removed from their registries, to protect open source users from accidentally installing malicious code. JIRA Security Dashboard Integration

Overview The Mend Jira Security Dashboard is a new option included in the Jira Cloud plugin that provides a centralized view of security issues and risks across all Jira projects, making it easier for you and your teams to prioritize and address security concerns. Use cases for the Jira Security Dashboard The Mend Jira Security Dashboard addresses the following scenarios: As an AppSec Manager, it is imperative to have real-time visibility into the overall security health of your development teams' applications within your issue-tracking tool, Jira.

Simplify AppSec program management with Software Risk Manager

In a world where software risk is business risk, you need a robust ASPM solution that simplifies testing, triage and risk management. Now more than ever, organizations are realizing that software risk is business risk, and making application security programs scalable and efficient is paramount to successfully managing that risk.
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OWASP ASVS with your security testing tools

OWASP ASVS is a great project to provide a framework of security controls for design and define the basis of secure development. But the problem is when you decide to use these checks in your organization, you end up with a 71-page pdf file or an OWASP ASVS checklist (excel sheet). It is incredibly hard for organizations to adapt and spread the word within the company. This is why we decided to implement a feature that gets all the security testing tools results (by CWE) and maps them into OWASP ASVS automatically so you can use it in every aspect of your application security program.

SBOMs: A Roadmap for a Secure Software Journey

Software supply chain threats and increasing regulatory pressures make supply chain security a top priority for software organizations. While building secure applications is a must for any organization, the path to creating secure software is anything but clear. Software bills of materials (SBOMs) have emerged as an essential tool and a roadmap for organizations on their secure software journey.

The New Era of AI-Powered Application Security. Part Three: How Can Application Security Cope With The Challenges Posed by AI?

This is the third part of a blog series on AI-powered application security. Following the first two parts that presented concerns associated with AI technology, this part covers suggested approaches to cope with AI concerns and challenges. In my previous blog posts, I presented major implications of AI use on application security, and examined why a new approach to application security may be required to cope with these challenges.