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Live From RSAC: AppSec's Future and the Rise of the Chief Product Security Officer

Chris Wysopal, Co-Founder and CTO at Veracode, and Joshua Corman, Chief Strategist of Healthcare and COVID at CISA, presented at the 2021 RSA Conference on AppSec’s future and the need for a new Chief Product Security Officer (CPSO) role. Wysopal started by quoting entrepreneur Marc Andreessen saying, “Software is eating the world,” to express just how much we rely on technology. From our iPhones and laptops to our cars and even our refrigerators … software is everywhere.

What is API Security and how to protect them

APIs are a key part of modern web application development transforming how organizations build, manage, and scale their web and mobile services. In this blog we discuss why APIs are the new web application security, highlighting the growing challenges of API security risks and sharing best practices for preventing API attacks.

Confessions of an Information Security Engineer

Here’s the story of an information security engineer whose organization urgently needed new security log management stack that would enable him and his peers to not only survive but really thrive. In this Log’s Honest Truth podcast, presented in partnership with ITSP Magazine, Julian Waits, GM of the Devo cyber business unit & public sector, discusses the confessions of “Mr. B,” an information security engineer. Mr.

Streamlining Security Incident Management & Responses

In order to get a grasp on how to ease security incident management and response processes, there are terms to be clarified first. First of all, a security incident is the common name of an attack towards an organization’s cybersecurity system, network, or data in general. In addition, TechSlang also includes successful attacks within the term “incident”. Therefore, whether impactful or not, all types of attacks, violations, or exploitations can be described as security incidents.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerabilities in 2021

As the pandemic starts to fade, it can be easy to fall into a false sense of security. While there’s finally an end to COVID-19 insight, the cybersecurity pandemic rages on. 2020 was a record year for cybercrime, and the same threats will plague 2021. Amid the disruptions of 2020, many businesses embraced remote work, cloud services, and IoT technologies. These changes, in turn, led to a shifting cybersecurity landscape as cybercriminals adapted and new threats emerged.

How to cyber security: Leverage AST solution data to make risk-based decisions

AST solutions provide insights to help organizations make more-informed decisions about their security investments. By now, everybody is familiar with the fundamental value of using application security testing (AST) solutions. You do security testing as part of a secure software development life cycle, you find security bugs, you fix them, and the software you release has a lower risk of being compromised, interrupted, or otherwise abused by attackers.

What are the PCI DSS Password Requirements?

The PCI DSS compliance password requirements are mandated by Requirement 8 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Password compliance plays a key role in the PCI standards because it dictates the password complexity necessary to help an organization better defend its systems against unauthorized access.