Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Apono - Okta Integration: Requesting temporary access to Okta groups

ICYMI: In the last video demo of @Okta + Apono, we showed you how to integrate your Okta resources with Apono through SCIM. (It’s super simple!) Once the integration is done, Okta users or group members can easily request temporary access to different cloud resources using our just-in-time capability. That includes temporary access to Okta group membership If you're managing your developer-on-duty, customer data access, or any other use case with Okta groups, you don’t want to miss out on this one.

Apono & PagerDuty - "Just in Time" Access for On-Call Teams With Compliance Approval

Give on-call teams on-demand "Just-in-Time" granular access they need to resolve incidents in production with Apono's PagerDuty integration. Apono’s PagerDuty integration will validate that the requester is on duty and will send an approval request to the Compliance on-call group.

DevSecOps - Why, When & How?

Delve into the responsibilities and importance of DevSecOps , and address several crucial aspects of DevSecOps, including the ideal timing for implementation, the responsibilities and qualifications of the team or individual responsible for managing the DevSecOps function, KPIs for evaluating success, and the direction in which the role of DevSecOps is evolving. Our Panelists: Alexander “Sasha” Barshay DevSecOps Team Lead @Qwilt Rom Carmel CEO Heath Newburn Distinguished Field Engineer @Pagerduty Idan Pinto DevSecOps @fiverr.