Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Explaining Explainability

There is an important concept that runs through our product that I call explainability. I use the term a lot with our product and engineering teams to emphasize our data-first approach and our will to stand behind our data. The term is, well, self-explanatory, but I want to dig into it and show how it helps security professionals. To me, I don’t know any other way of building a product that customers will truly trust other than to explain how conclusions and rankings were determined.

CyCognito Recognized as Leader in the GigaOm Radar for Attack Surface Management 2024

“Our report reflects CyCognito’s innovative approach to asset discovery and vulnerability assessment taken, while maintaining a solid foundation in the mature platform space. This placement indicates not only a commitment to advanced ASM solutions but also a keen focus on evolving and adapting to the changing digital landscape rapidly.”

Combining External Attack Surface Management and Crowdsourced Security Testing - Webinar Recap

Bugcrowd offers crowdsourced security testing through a community of white hat hackers. CyCognito offers automated discovery of an organization’s externally exposed attack surface. Combined, the two solutions allow for a comprehensive inventory of exposed assets to be included in the scope of bug bounties or pentests.

How Ben Bachmann, VP of Group Information Security at Ströer, Uncovers and Secures Hidden Digital Assets with CyCognito

When Benjamin Bachmann became the Vice President of Group Information Security at Ströer, two years ago, he encountered a significant challenge: the company lacked a comprehensive understanding of its external-facing assets. Ströer is a leading German media conglomerate with diverse operations spanning over 100 subsidiaries, each managing its own IT department, complicating the task of managing cybersecurity across such a diversified portfolio.

The CISA Points Way Forward for More Effective Vulnerability Management with Directive 23-01

While tech sector media coverage on cybersecurity has primarily focused in recent years on trends such as ransomware attacks, vulnerabilities in the DevOps chain, and the growing role of AI in combating threats, a quiet but significant development has been advancing under the radar on several fronts: we refer to the more assertive stance taken by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to elevate security best practices in government and the private sector.

The Long Tail of the Supply Chain: Leveraging Exposure Management to Mitigate Risk from Current or Former Vendors

Every organization must prioritize the security of its systems and the protection of its customers’ sensitive information, but exposure doesn’t only happen through applications your own team develops and controls. Incidents like the recent exposure of customer data by Juniper Networks serve as stark reminders of the challenges and risks associated with managing the exposure of software, hardware, and services that you use.