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Access Control

Staying Protected: Understanding the Vital Role of Cybersecurity on University Campuses

Cyber threats are increasingly affecting universities and colleges in the USA. Institutions have experienced a surge in cyber attacks in recent years, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, phishing scams, and malware infections. One driving factor for this increase is the valuable data higher education institutions hold, including sensitive personal information of students, faculty members, and staff, as well as important research data and intellectual property.

Tim Norris, Brivo: "the number one threat to access control is the use of insecure, non-encrypted credentials"

Originally published on Cloud-based access control solutions have transformed security processes by centralizing data, utilizing advanced technologies, and providing convenient access management. Cloud-based access control solutions leverage the power of the cloud to provide secure and convenient access management for various facilities. Combine it with a high-level VPN system, and you have a comprehensive security solution that can be managed remotely and monitored in real-time.

The Importance of Centralized Security for Healthcare Providers

As a healthcare administrator, you have an ever-growing list of things to contend with – from increased workplace violence, and the protection of expensive medical equipment and precious medical supplies, to the security of controlled medications, and the safety of a plethora of private and sensitive patient and employee data. Securing a healthcare facility is as complex as it is essential.