Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Securing the Digital Supply Chain - Why are Investors interested in the digital supply chain

In this session for the Securing the Digital Supply Chain we talk to two very well known investors from Silicon Valley - Mahendra Ramsinghani (Secure Octane) and Cherian Mathew (Firebolt VC). We learn what drives the investment thought process for these two successful VCs and also hear what their perspectives are on cybersecurity, areas of interest, how to think about the market. Especially interesting are the thoughts on "Who gets affected" from a Digital Supply Chain perspective.

Riscosity - Securing The Digital Supply Chain - Thought Leaders - Ep. 1

In this episode of Securing the Digital Supply Chain Anirban Banerjee , CEO and co-founder of Riscosity talks to Atif Yusuf and Ravi Gunturi, two well known security leaders in the San Francisco Bay Area. Note - all opinions expressed here belong to the individuals only.

Riscosity Overview

Riscosity Helps Enterprises understand who are their actual Software Vendors. The revenue generating software powering most enterprises, uses 3rd party computer code - called components - sourced from many different companies. Riscosity builds a real time catalog of all these components, and identifies what data is being exchanged with these vendors and helps secure them and reduces any legal liabilities as a result of failed audits or findings.