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How Cyber Exposure Management Strengthens Overall Enterprise Risk Management

In recent years, there's only been a handful of data breaches within public companies that could be considered financially "material." These breaches include those often pointed to as examples in cybersecurity presentations: the 2013 Target breach, the 2017 Equifax breach, the 2019 Capital One breach, and most recently, the Colonial Pipeline incident.

New Research Identifies Oversight Practices Correlated With Effective Cybersecurity Outcomes

In the last few years, boards have rushed to incorporate Cyber Risk into the Board’s overall risk management duty, without really knowing how effective those efforts have been. For the first time ever, Diligent and Bitsight have partnered to see just how well the effort at the board level is translating into reducing Cyber Risk for their company.

Corporate Cybersecurity Engagement - A Practical Guide for Investors

Bitsight's leading analytics and workflows allow Nomura Asset Management to effectively reduce cyber risk across credit portfolios through targeted engagement. The increasing frequency and complexity of cyber attacks makes one thing clear - cyber risk is inextricably linked to business performance. This has prompted investors to prioritize cyber risk assessments within their portfolios.

5 Steps to Creating an Incident Response Plan

No matter how robust your cyber defenses are, there is a high likelihood that your organization will experience a cybersecurity incident—either directly or as a result of a supply chain attack. Implementing a cybersecurity incident response plan can help you effectively address a cyber event, reduce disruptions to your business operations, and ensure compliance with regulations.

Why is the Exposure Management Market So Confusing? Wading Through the Acronyms

If there's one certainty in life for CISOs it is that when it is time to buy into a new or consolidating security technology niche, they're going to have to eat their fair share of alphabet soup. Tech analysts and marketers do love their acronyms after all. We've got our SIEMs, our SOCS, and our MFAs and MDRs to prove that one out.

Integrating your TPRM Stack for Seamless Vendor Lifecycle Management

Every cybersecurity team is being challenged to do more with less. CISOs experience top-down pressure to maximize the value of their resources, consolidate vendors as much as possible, and optimize their tool stack. And, they have unchanged expectations of keeping their organization safe across ever-growing digital supply chains. But traditional approaches to VRM often leave cybersecurity teams grappling with a tangled web of manual processes, disparate tools, and fragmented data.

Unveiling CPS 234 Challenges: Insights from APRA's Cyber Security Stocktake

Australia has seen several high profile cyber incidents in 2023 and has seen significant loss of customer data (Canva’s 139 million customers, Latitude’s 7.9 million customers HWL Ebsworth’s 65 government agencies, 2.5 million documents). According to the OAIC Notifiable Data Breaches Report: January to June 2023, the top 3 sectors in that period to report data breaches are Health Service Providers (65 notifications), Finance incl.

Tackling Shadow IT Head-On: Strategies for Cybersecurity Leaders

As cybersecurity leaders, we're all too familiar with the challenges posed by Shadow IT—a persistent thorn in the side of IT and security teams worldwide. And when high-profile supply chain attacks make headlines, the urgency to understand our reliance on third parties becomes all too real.

Bitsight Vendor Risk Management Walkthrough

Streamline Assessments, Monitor Vendors, and Validate Security Posture with Ease. No more manual workflows or toggling between tools—with Bitsight VRM, part of the industry’s first end-to-end third-party risk management solution, you can effortlessly navigate through risk assessments and continuous monitoring with just a flip of a switch. Discover a new level of clarity and efficiency with instant access to an ever-growing network of 40,000+ vendor profiles. Track onboarding and validate questionnaire responses with objective data to make informed decisions and expedite risk mitigation.