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Updated NCSC Report Highlights Key Threats for the UK Legal Sector

On June 22nd, 2023, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the UK's cybersecurity agency, released a Cyber Threat Report for the country's legal sector. Developed to update a previous iteration from 2018, the report reflects a dramatic change in the cybersecurity threat landscape, offering advice that considers the security issues inherent with remote working, new data revealing the UK legal sector's vulnerability to cybercrime, and the increasing prevalence of attacks on smaller organizations.

How To Hide Browsing History - Complete Guide

In years gone by, there was a stigma attached to hiding one's browsing history. Wiping browsing history was seen as suspicious; it suggested that someone had something to hide. It was – and still is- the butt of many jokes. However, individuals might want to hide their browsing history for many reasons. They range from the relatively trivial – like concealing a surprise gift – to the essential – like protecting personal data.

What is The Network and Information Security 2 Directive (NIS2)?

The Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive is the European Union's (EU) second attempt at an all-encompassing cybersecurity directive. The EU introduced the legislation to update the much-misinterpreted Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive (2016) and improve the cybersecurity of all member states. It signed NIS2 into law in January 2023, expecting all relevant organizations to comply by October 18th, 2024.

How Improved Visibility Helps Achieve Compliance

In the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, businesses face an exhaustive battle to safeguard their valuable data while complying with industry regulations. To address these challenges, innovative solutions have emerged to enhance network security. Network visibility remains a crucial focus. The profound impact of heightened visibility cannot be ignored, as it plays a crucial role in fortifying network security and achieving compliance objectives.

North Korea ready to cash out more than $40 million in Bitcoin after summer of attacks, warns FBI

After a series of high-profile cryptocurrency heists, a state-sponsored North Korean malicious hacking group is poised to cash out millions of dollars. That's the opinion of the FBI, which this week has warned cryptocurrency companies about recent blockchain activity it has observed connected to the theft of hundreds of millions of cryptocurrency in recent months.

Cybersecurity's Crucial Role Amidst Escalating Financial Crime Risks

In an era of escalating financial crimes, the spotlight shines brightly on the rising concerns in the realm of cybersecurity. According to a recent survey, a staggering 68% of UK risk experts anticipate a surge in financial crime risks over the next year. These apprehensions echo globally, with 69% of executives and risk professionals worldwide foreseeing an upswing in financial crime risks, predominantly fueled by cybersecurity threats and data breaches.

Why No Business in 2023 Can Grow without APIs

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly relying on APIs to connect with their customers, partners, and other systems. APIs, or application programming interfaces, are the building blocks of the modern web, and they allow businesses to share data and functionality in a secure and efficient way. Without APIs, businesses are limited in their ability to innovate and grow. They lack the ability to integrate with other systems, create new products and services, or reach new markets.

What is Configuration Drift?

While the phrase sounds like the stuff of textbook jargon, the term "configuration drift" hides an extremely crucial caution. Configuration drift is important because it can lead to compliance drift. Compliance drift means that the state of compliance has changed as a result of a configuration that has been changed, which has caused your system to fall out of compliance.

The CIA Debate: Which is the Most Important?

The Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) Triad is a crucial information security model that guides and assesses how an organization manages data during storage, transmission, and processing. Each component of the triad plays a vital role in maintaining information security: Although all components are equally essential, we were intrigued to ask cybersecurity professionals which attribute they consider the most important.