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11 Respected Providers of IT Security Training

We at The State of Security are committed to helping aspiring information security professionals reach their full potential. Towards that end, we compiled a list of the top 10 highest paying jobs in the industry. We even highlighted the U.S. cities that tend to reward security personnel with the best salaries, amenities and other benefits. Knowing which job title you’d like and where you’d like to live goes a long way towards advancing one’s infosec career.

Cyber Threats to Medical Imaging Systems and How to Address Them

Healthcare continues to see staggering growth in breaches to patient health information. In the first half of 2019 alone, 32 million health records were breached, compared to 15 million records in the entire year of 2018. However, this trend of growing cyber breaches in healthcare is likely to persist due to the following characteristics of the healthcare industry...

WordPress sites hacked through defunct Rich Reviews plugin

An estimated 16,000 websites are believed to be running a vulnerable and no-longer-maintained WordPress plugin that can be exploited to display pop-up ads and redirect visitors to webpages containing porn, scams, and–worst of all–malware designed to infect users’ computers. Researchers at WordFence went public about how hackers are exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in a third-party WordPress plugin called Rich Reviews to inject malvertising code into vulnerable WordPress sites.

Why Cybersecurity Pros Need to Be Good Storytellers

Like storytelling, data visualization can be used to provide a narrative about your organization’s cybersecurity posture. Cybersecurity is never a single thing; it is an amalgamation of an often growing list of issues that never seem to end. So in order to make some sense of what it means for the health of your organization, I am combining several metrics to define a singular one—cybersecurity posture—in a visual manner.

Best Practices for Using Tripwire Enterprise in Dynamic Environments - Part 1

Just a few years ago, most IT environments were made up of deployed servers on which personnel installed applications, oftentimes as many as that one system could handle. They then remained and ran that way for years. In the meantime, the IT team maintained the system and updated the applications as needed. Sometimes there were test versions of those systems, but this wasn’t often. Even then, the OS often didn’t match the production version of the same system.

The Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Information Security - Part 2

Information security is an exciting and rapidly growing field for individuals who are interested in protecting users and their data. In an effort to map out the industry as a possible career choice, we recently conducted research into the top 10 infosec jobs based on overall pay grade. We now continue with the second part of our two-part series.

How Will the CMMC Impact My Business and How Can We Prepare? Part 2 of 3

In part one of this series, I addressed what DoD contractors could be doing to prepare for the CMMC security level rating. In part two of the series, I want to discuss our customers’ concerns about the possible impacts of having their company’s security rating made public. According to the CMMC FAQ, all companies conducting business with the DoD must be certified (not just those who handle CUI), and the level of certification for each company will be made public.

Building a Foundation for "Smart" Steel Factories with Fog Computing, the Cloud and Cybersecurity

Digital technologies have been transforming our world for the past few decades. For instance, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have induced an evolution in the way we as society live our everyday lives as well as how many enterprises conduct business. This evolution has started to enter the industrial realm, most notably the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industry 4.0 and how these forces have driven other innovative ideas such as smart factories.

A Guide on 5 Common LinkedIn Scams

The fact that scammers haunt Facebook and Twitter is not surprising. Even so, digital criminals don’t stop with just those two platforms. They’re also known to stalk users on LinkedIn where connections carry greater professional gravity. Fortunately, users can stay alert of such activity by familiarizing themselves with the most common types of LinkedIn scams. Here are five ruses, in particular, that should be on their radar.

CookieMiner malware targets Macs, steals passwords and SMS messages, mines for cryptocurrency

Security researchers at Palo Alto Networks have discovered a new malware threat that targets Macs in what appears to be a sophisticated attempt to raid cryptocurrency wallets. The malware, which researchers have dubbed CookieMiner, has a variety of weapons in its armory that could make it particularly worrisome for cryptocurrency investors.