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COVID-19 Scam Roundup - May 4, 2020

Malicious actors continue to abuse coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) as a lure to profit off of innocent people. Indeed, Arkose Labs found that 26.5% of all transactions recorded in Q1 2020 were fraud and abuse attempts—a 20% increase over the previous quarter and the highest attack rate ever observed by the security firm’s researchers. It’s therefore unsurprising that we’ve seen the U.S.

Phishers Increasingly Incorporating reCaptcha API into Campaigns

Security researchers observed that digital attackers are increasingly incorporating the reCaptcha API into their phishing campaigns. Barracuda Networks explained that malicious actors are starting to outfit their phishing attempts with reCaptcha walls so that they can shield their landing pages from automated URL analysis tools as well as add a sense of legitimacy to their operations. Some of these efforts have consisted of deploying a fake checkbox and form.

Newly-discovered Android malware steals banking passwords and 2FA codes

Security researchers at Cybereason are warning of a new mobile banking trojan that steals details from financial apps and intercepts SMS messages to bypass two-factor authentication mechanisms. According to experts who have examined the code of the malware, known as EventBot, it differs substantially from previously known Android malware – suggesting that it might be written by a new group of cybercriminals.

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Credential Access

There’s no doubt about it, attackers want your credentials more than anything, especially administrative credentials. Why burn a zero-day or risk noisy exploits when you can just log in instead? If you were to break into a house, would you rather throw a brick through a window or use a key to the front door? What is the MITRE ATT&CK™ Framework? - YouTube An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.

Cloud Under Pressure: Keeping AWS Projects Secure

Amazon Web Services (AWS) allow organizations to take advantage of numerous services and capabilities. As the number of available options under the cloud infrastructure of the company grows, so too do the security risks and the possible weaknesses. AWS Project owners need to take extra precautions by following some platform-specific advice. Amazon is constantly working on adding new features and implementing new changes in its current offering, as well.

COVID-19 Scam Roundup - April 27, 2020

The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) scam onslaught continues. Per Threatpost, digital attackers ramped up their activity over Q1 2020 to the extent that they were sending approximately 1.5 million coronavirus-themed attack emails by the middle of April. How can we then be surprised by ZDNet’s reporting that the number of digital crime reports received by the FBI had quadrupled in number, with many of these disclosed attacks featuring COVID-19 as a theme?

What is the Cyber Essentials Certification and How Can it Help Your Business?

According to a statistical research of the University of Portsmouth for the government of the UK, more than 80% of the cyber-attacks affecting businesses in the UK could have been prevented by the implementation of some basic security controls. To help organizations adopt good practices in information security, the UK government released a government-endorsed certification scheme called Cyber Essentials in 2014.

OSINT - Using Threat Intelligence to Secure Your Organisation

In my first article on Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Analysts, (CTI analysts) we covered what a CTI analyst is and discussed how they can bridge the gaps between IT, Security, and the Business. We discussed how this is beneficial to the maturity of the business, but what exactly did we mean by this? In the second article of our CTI analyst series, we’ll cover the unique benefits a CTI analyst brings to an organization by enhancing.