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Who to Consider an Insider Threat in Your Organization

Typically, people think of security threats as outside attacks on an organization. Data security plans tend to focus on securing the perimeter, endpoints, email and data. Though these are certainly critical measures, all organizations should realize the real threat that insiders, or internal employees, pose to operations.

How to Conduct a Workplace Investigation

Workplace investigations can be extremely tense and have high stakes. While every investigation will look a little different based on the nature of the company, HR team and incident, it’s important to have a clearly defined plan for investigating reports filed by employees. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting a timely, impartial and thorough workplace investigation.

How to Maintain Data Security When Employees Work Remotely

We all know the perks of allowing employees to work remotely. From lower overhead (less snacks and drinks to provide) to increased productivity and job satisfaction, working from home is becoming more and more common in today’s business landscape. Unfortunately, with this system comes many data security risks to consider. With so many devices being used for work and various network connections to monitor, how can you allow your employees to work remotely and still maintain data security?

Cyber Security Budget Trends for Businesses in 2019

As 2019 approaches, it’s a great time to look ahead at your information security plan and see what is being prioritized in your budget. 2018 saw an increased interest in investing in external security audits and improved endpoint protection. Here are a few cyber security trends to adopt in 2019 that will keep your organization’s information as safe as possible.

How Mature Is Your Insider Threat Program

The Veriato Insider Threat Program Maturity Model report was created to help security professionals assess their ability to monitor, detect, and respond to insider threats. Join Insider Threat expert, Jim Henderson from Insider Threat Defense, Nick Cavalancia from Techvangelism and Cyber Security Expert, Patrick Knight as they discuss numerous results from the Insider Threat Maturity Report.

How to Create Incident Response Plan Steps for Data Breaches

An estimated 34 percent of companies have experienced data breaches in the last 12 months. With those odds, every organization should be prioritizing cyber security and cyber attack management. Take the time now to put together a data breach incident response plan utilizing these steps, so if your organization is affected, you’ll be able to respond as quickly and effectively as possible. Here are some key steps the plan you create should include.