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HIPAA in the time of Covid-19

The global cases of Novel Coronavirus are continually ticking upward in most parts of the world, and with every new case come further questions about the patients. Hospitals, governments and even general population is interested to know who the affected people are, what their health history is, which locations they visited, and who they interacted with prior to receiving positive test results.

Why cybersecurity In the healthcare sector needs improvement

A recent attack on a hospital in Brno, Czech Republic (a COVID-19 testing center)ehowed the extent to which weaknesses in a health center’s cybersecurity system can endanger the lives of patients. During this attack, patients had to be redirected to other hospitals and vital surgeries were postponed - all during a time in which vital testing needed to be carried out and releases needed to be sped up. A study published in the journal Technological Health Care by CS Kruse et al.

Tips for Managing Third-Party Risk in Health Care

The healthcare industry possesses the crown jewels that the bulk of attackers are after: Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Data has become the new currency in the digital underground, consisting primarily of social security numbers, credit card information, health information, and passwords.

5 key network aspects to focus on for HIPAA compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, is a compliance standard that was implemented after all health-related information was digitized. The crux of the act is to ensure that all sensitive electronic protected health information (ePHI) has restricted, secure access. Various aspects of your network determine your compliance with HIPAA standards. Let’s discuss some of these important components in detail.

Malicious Actors and Medical Data: Where Are We Heading?

Data is the hottest commodity in town, particularly on the dark web. But there’s one type of file that hackers are most interested in: your medical data. Whereas a credit card number or Social Security number can net a criminal $1-$15 depending on the data type, medical records can sell for the equivalent of $60 each (in Bitcoin). What’s more, the theft of these files isn’t uncommon. Despite U.S.

Securing IT in healthcare organizations: All you need to know

From maintaining electronic health records and generating medical reports, to carrying out robot-assisted surgeries and setting up online doctor-patient communication portals, the healthcare industry is becoming increasingly reliant on technology to effectively carry out day-to-day operations. While incorporating advanced technology assists healthcare professionals in providing better care for patients, it also increases the attack surface for cybercriminals looking to exploit sensitive data.

Healthcare A Growing Cyber Sickness

Healthcare data breach statistics clearly show there has been an upward trend in data breaches over the past few years, with 2019 seeing more data breaches reported than any other year According to Black Book Market Research, 96% of IT professionals believe cyber-attackers are outpacing the security capabilities of medical organizations. As a result, organizations must implement healthcare data security solutions that will improve patient care while protecting important assets. Schedule a demo today, and stay cyber assured.

HIPAA Privacy Rule Summary and Compliance Tips

The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (Privacy Rule) establishes a set of national standards for the protection of patients' rights and certain health information. Its standards address the use and disclosure of individuals' health information, known as protected health information or PHI by organizations subject to the Privacy Rule, as well as standards for an individual's rights to understand and control how their health data is used.