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Cybersecurity Dissonance: Perception vs Reality Panel Discussion

Arctic Wolf recently completed a cybersecurity survey and found that nearly every company has very high confidence in their security defenses. However, the survey also identified that IT/security professionals felt security was complex, and they found it difficult to focus on security because their role covered so many different areas.

Cybersecurity Predictions: The Network Perimeter Will Be Reborn

The future of cybersecurity includes a major change to enterprise network perimeters. They are going to be reshaped into something new — micro-perimeters. This is the act of cordoning-off entire sections of systems in order to avoid major compromise when only one segment of the architecture is weak.

Cybersecurity Predictions: Effectiveness is measured by risk reduction

In the past, security technology wasn’t as regularly tested in the “real world” as it is today. That is, breaches are happening and being publicized at a far higher rate than ever before. There are seemingly multiple breaches a week. This means the security technology behind those breaches may get 15 minutes of undesired fame and the CSO gets a meeting with her boss. Going forward, security vendors will need to answer the question, “Does this security technology work?” Security stakeholders within an enterprise will answer the question, “Does this security technology work for me?”