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Indicators That Make you a Good Fit for TPRM BitSight Advisor Services

Some early indicators that help determine whether you're a good fit for BitSight Advisor Services are often those that are self aware of their current state. Whether it's understanding that they have a skills gap or those that are eager to learn how they can make internal improvements on their own team.

Walt & Company: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Most small businesses handle cybersecurity by crossing their fingers. They don't think they need it until they get hacked. But it doesn't matter if you're a one man shop or a big enterprise company. And while Walt & Company is a small organization, their clients are multibillion dollar global companies operating around the world. Their businesses are critically important and thus the security of their digital assets are critically important to them. So how can a company stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cybersecurity?

How to defend against third party cyber-attacks

In this blog post, we discuss the different types of challenges that third party relationships present and outline specific ways to defend against them. Third party risk is created when companies in an organisation’s supply chain have access to its data, systems or privileged information. This can lead to issues such as data breaches, IP theft or other security incidents. Organisations can be held accountable for security breaches even if they originate from a third party.

Q2 2022 Threat Landscape Briefing: Ransomware Returns, Healthcare Hit

In Q2 2022, Kroll observed a 90% increase in attacks against the health care sector in comparison with Q1 2022, making it the most affected sector during this period. While this may signal the official end of the pandemic-era “truce” that many cybercriminals promised at the onset of COVID-19, threat actors are continuing to leverage other hallmarks of the pandemic, such as remote work access, to gain a foothold into victim networks.

Online Identity Verification - Digitizing the Verification Process

Identity can be defined as the group of qualities and attributes that make one person unique from others. As a measurable and recordable set of features, identity is also comprehended in terms of the range of those measurable metrics so it can be saved on a system as a digital ID. Like all digital data, ID verification online is also a must to confirm ID to ensure the fraud-free operation and prove the person is who they claim to be.

AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: A Focus on Manufacturing

During the pandemic, many forward-thinking manufacturers took shifts in consumer demands and in-person work patterns as an opportunity to modernize their factory floors and operational infrastructure. Now as supply chain challenges and inflationary forces come to the fore, the entire industry will be called to continue their innovative investments to make manufacturing processes speedier, more efficient, and equipped to compete in a new era.