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What is Zero Trust? A Model for More Effective Security

Zero Trust is an information security model that does not implicitly trust anything inside or outside its network perimeter. Instead, it requires authentication or verification before granting access to sensitive data or protected resources. Zero Trust was coined by John Kindervag at Forrester Research in 2009. Zero Trust security provides visibility and security controls needed to secure, manage, and monitor every device, user, app, and network.

Securing a New Way of Working: Monitoring Those Endpoints

With more and more endpoints accessing your network remotely, you should expect rapid increases in VPN connections and usage, as well as exponential usage of cloud-based services. There are numerous Splunk apps that can help you increase the monitoring of remote endpoints but let’s showcase Splunk Security Essentials (SSE).

The Most Important Security Metrics to Maintain Compliance

Every week, dozens of data breaches are reported with some reaching into the tens, or even hundreds of millions of individuals impacted. Customers and regulators alike are increasingly concerned about the information security programs of organizations and how they plan to prevent security incidents and safeguard sensitive data.

The State of the Cybersecurity Market: Where We've Come, Where We're Going

There’s an interesting trend that I have personally noticed over the past few years: organizations are starting to take cybersecurity more seriously. With the multitude of high-profile data breaches, organizations are starting to realize that cybersecurity is a significant risk to the business. This allows CISOs and other similar titles with leadership responsibilities to have a larger budget for people, process improvements, and supporting technologies.

What Is Multi-Factor Authentication, and What Does It Have to Do with You?

Security isn’t a simple matter of caring or spending time reading manuals or being told what you can or can’t do. Security is understanding how to view the world from a different perspective. It’s a skill that people build over time, and it’s completely appropriate to start out small. If you can do nothing else, consider the access to your accounts, professional, banking, and social media. Consider how hard a malicious actor needs to work to gain access to these.

Do you have the GRIT to be a cybersecurity consultant?

As I read Angela Duckworth's GRIT, where she explains that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a unique blend of passion and persistence she calls "grit," I was able to relate the need for this power of passion and perseverance to be a successful cybersecurity professional and more importantly a trusted cybersecurity consultant. It takes a combination of skills, education, and years of work experience.

Working from Home during COVID-19? What You and Your Organization Need to Consider

First and foremost, our hearts go out to those around the world impacted by the COVID-19 virus. The director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), who advises the country on public health, has indicated that the risk to the general public remains low and encourages Americans to go about their lives. Businesses and local communities are taking a much more personal approach.

Undetected podcast e.01 recap: The evolution of web security and hacking

In the pilot episode, Laura is joined by Detectify co-founder Johan Edholm. He co-founded the company back in 2013, and is still involved with the organization today by managing the technical infrastructure in the clouds. We don’t want to give away too much, but there are some things said that are just too good to not be highlighted and we’ve summarized of some of the conversation.