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How to Achieve Compliance with NIS Directive

Network and information systems (NIS) and the essential functions they support play a vital role in society from ensuring the supply of electricity, water, oil and gas to the provisioning of healthcare and the safety of passenger and freight transport. In addition, computerized systems are performing vital safety-related functions designed to protect human lives.

What's the Difference Between Spear Phishing and Whaling?

Phishing is a broadly understood risk when it comes to internet security – it’s the process by which data thieves will attempt to infect your system with a virus by sending an authentic-looking communication that tricks the recipient into a clicking a malicious link. As phishing becomes a more established method of data theft and virus infection, however, data thieves are specialising – which leads to new terms.

Business Continuity Checklist for Planning and Implementation

Having a comprehensive business continuity plan (BCP) in place will help ensure that your business doesn’t suffer any downtime in the event of a disaster, which may include natural disasters, such as floods, fire, weather-related events, and cyberattacks. If you’re not prepared, these disasters can have catastrophic consequences on your business, including loss of productivity, loss of revenue, as well as damage to your reputation and your relationships with your customers.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2020

With 2020 around the corner, we’re entering a new decade in the cybersecurity landscape. What does the future hold for security professionals? We’d like to ring in the new year with good news, but the truth is that hackers will become smarter and breaches will grow in scale and number, creating an even greater pressure for security teams to keep up. Read our five predictions for 2020 to understand what to look out for and how to prepare for the new decade.

The Top 10 State of Security Blog Posts from 2019

It’s been another fantastic year on The State of Security blog. With over 350 blogs published from all walks of the security community, we like to think of the blog as more of an industry resource that caters to not only experienced security professionals but also to those who are new to the community. To finish the year off, I wanted to look back on some of my personal favorites. I’ve tried to include a mixture of different styles, topics and authors.

AWS vs. Azure vs. Google - What's the Difference from a Cloud Security Standpoint?

When mainstream cloud computing first began to appear on the horizon, (Amazon launched its Elastic Compute Cloud product in 2006.) many organizations were initially hesitant to entrust their most valuable data and processes to a technological innovation named after something that appears so delicate. Oh, how times have changed.

Honeypots: A Guide To Increasing Security

Honeypots are not a new idea. They have been part of the cybersecurity world for decades and have frequently gone in and out of “fashion” over that period. Recently, though, they have become an increasingly important part of vulnerability management. That’s for a couple of reasons. Honeypots offer real-world data on the types of threats that companies face, and they can be a powerful research tool in identifying specific threat vectors.

TikTok Lawsuits Show The Need For Increased Scrutiny of Apps

TikTok, the popular video posting app, has come under increased scrutiny. Recently, two lawsuits filed against the platform accused TikTok of privacy violations. According to a report from Reuters, a plaintiff accused TikTok of creating an account without her knowledge or consent in one lawsuit filed in California. The lawsuit accused TikTok of creating a file on the user. This file allegedly included biometric data based on videos that the user created, but did not upload.