Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Automating Secure Configuration Management in the Cloud

For many organizations moving to the cloud, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) like AWS EC2, Azure Virtual Machines or Google Compute Engine often forms the backbone of their cloud architecture. These services allow you to create instances of pretty much any operating system almost instantly. Unfortunately, moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud doesn’t relieve you of your compliance or security obligations.

Understanding Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus are Government-backed schemes which highlight key technical controls that need to be in place in order to defend against the most common cyber threats. By becoming Cyber Essentials certified your organisation can display the logo on your website and marketing materials, improving trust with your customers. Many Government contracts will only consider applications from Cyber Essentials certified companies.

vBulletin RCE CVE-2019-16759 exploited in the wild, to Detectify

Detectify now has a built-in detection for vBulletin RCE CVE-2019-16759, thanks to a report from our Crowdsource community. Last week, a proof-of-concept exploit for a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability for vBulletin forum software CVE 2019-16759 was disclosed publicly. The vulnerability was exploited in the wild and actively being exploited by malicious attackers.

Weekly Cyber Security News 04/10/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. A serious breach from a popular game was announced earlier in the week. Considering the prevalence of linking many such games with Facebook and other social media platforms, such an exposure gives a great ‘way in’. If you’ve not done it already, go check what access you’ve granted to your data.

How Detectify handles Zero-Day submissions

Finding a zero-day (0-day) is probably one of the best feelings in the world for a hacker, and sometimes we receive these submissions through Detectify Crowdsource, our bug bounty platform. This article will explain how Detectify handles 0-days with transparency to responsibly work with vendors, researchers and customers with the disclosure.

Karim Rahal: Security Features of Firefox

Karim Rahal, Detectify Crowdsource hacker, is a 17-year-old web-hacker who has been hacking for the greater part of his teenager years. At age 13, he started to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities—and he even blogged about one he found in Spotify! Karim still makes time for bug bounty programs, despite school. We asked Karim to tell us why Firefox is the best choice from a white hat hacker’s point-of-view.

Pokemon - Next Generation SOC From Theory to Practice

This session will focus on developing a modern security operations center (SOC) from the ground up leveraging progressive technologies and process. Pokemon will cover the original plan and execution strategy over the past 18 months. They will also highlight Sumo Logic's role in both security architecture and operations and map the map ahead for both Sumo and our SOC.

22 Types of Malware and How to Recognize Them

Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that harms a computer or its user. Common types of malware include computer viruses, ransomware, worms, trojan horses and spyware. These malicious programs can steal, encrypt or delete sensitive data, alter or hijack key computing functions and to monitor the victim's computer activity.