Top 4 Network Security Risks

Top 4 Network Security Risks

Network security integrates different processes, devices, and technologies into a broad plan that safeguards your computer networks' integrity, accessibility, and confidentiality. It keeps your networking infrastructure safe from malicious acts like manipulation and unauthorized access. Network security risks allow malicious actors to cause significant damage to your network while exposing your company's sensitive data. Discussed below are the top four network security risks.

1. Unauthorized access

Unauthorized access involves hackers invading your network to alter, steal, or destroy data. Note that unauthorized access may also include your employees gaining access to information or files beyond their authorization level. Unauthorized access presents major risks and consequences, including:

  • Private data theft or destruction: When unauthorized persons gain access to your network, they usually target sensitive details like personal identification information, financial records, and more. This invasion can lead to significant financial loss, possible legal repercussions, and damage to your company's reputation
  • Potential for fraud: Unauthorized access to sensitive information can lead to credit card fraud, bank account manipulation, and more

With the right network monitoring solutions, you can identify unrecognized devices, gain valuable insights into suspicious or unusual activities, and resolve them before it's too late. Implementing a solid password policy, endpoint security, and more can also help.

2. Unsecured networks

Unsecured networks often refer to free WiFi networks, meaning you can connect to them without any authorization or password. Also, these networks lack built-in protections to avert hacking attacks. An unsecured network doesn't have the cybersecurity measures to protect your information. As such, you should be careful when using public WiFi. Avoid accessing your bank information or personal/ sensitive data using unsecured networks because they can be hacked. To stay safe on public WiFi, consider:

  • Turning off automatic connectivity to ensure your devices don't connect to unsecured networks without your knowledge
  • Using a VPN to safeguard yourself whenever you want to use unsecured networks

3. Malware

Malware or malicious software is software designed by cyber criminals with the aim of:

  • Stealing sensitive information kept on your devices
  • Installing dangerous software to keep an eye on your online activities and more

Malware can be delivered through emails that seem to originate from trusted sources, pop-up website ads, and malicious codes inserted in popular applications. To protect your network from malware, consider:

  • Updating your applications and operating systems regularly because outdated versions are normal targets for malicious actors
  • Closing pop-up messages instead of clicking on them
  • Installing malware security systems in your devices and more

4. Insider threats

Insider threats are security risks originating from within a company. They involve a former or current business partner or employee with access to privileged accounts in your organization's network or sensitive information misusing the access. If you notice excess data transfer through the network or sign in to the network at unusual times, it could be a sign of insider threats. Implementing the following measures can help safeguard against insider threats:

  • Identifying and monitoring users posing the highest threat to your company, such as those who've shown signs of dissatisfaction
  • Implementing stringent access policies and controls to limit exposure. Following the principle of least privilege can help
  • Training employees on the importance of cybersecurity awareness and how to identify insider threats
  • Auditing and reviewing your network to spot gaps or vulnerabilities that insiders can exploit and addressing them


Network security threats expose your systems and sensitive data to hackers. Understanding the top security risks and how to avoid them can help you protect your network better.