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SOX Audit Compliance Requirements For 2022

Sarbanes Oxley Act is a popular US law designed and enforced to secure investors against fraudulent accounting activities in the organization. The objective of enforcing this regulation is to bring in transparency and ensure efficiency in the work process. It is a regulation that is not just an obligation for organizations but also seen as a good practice in the industry. Elaborating on the regulation, VISTA InfoSec conducted a live webinar explaining the Act in detail. Watch the video to learn more about this popular regulation enforced across the US.

PCI DSS Compliance Check List & Best Practices You Should Be Knowing

PCI DSS can be very challenging for businesses to achieve, especially when they have limited resources to get things in place. Moreover, understanding the requirements and implementing measures to meet the 12 PCI DSS requirement is altogether a different challenge. Businesses need to consider many aspects when undergoing an Audit and ensuring it is a success. Achieving PCI DSS Compliance requires establishing, updating, and constantly reviewing policies, procedures, and processes. This in turn ensures securing of sensitive data and IT Infrastructure.

Integrating ISO27701 in PIMS to Improve Data Privacy | Privacy Information Management System

ISO27701 is the industry best practice and Standard for Privacy Information Management. Integrating this standard with Privacy Information Management System will ensure the highest level of privacy, security, and information management of personal data. This approach helps organizations manage personal data in line with various regulations, Standards, and data privacy requirements. Explaining the benefits in detail VISTA InfoSec conducted an insightful webinar on “Integrating ISO27701 in PIMS to Improve Data Privacy”