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How to Implement Network Policy in Amazon EKS to Secure Your Cluster

By default, pods are non-isolated; they accept traffic from any source. The Amazon EKS solution to this security concern is Network Policy that lets developers control network access to their services. Amazon EKS comes configured with Network Policy using Project Calico which can be used to secure your clusters. This class will describe a few use cases for network policy and a live demo implementing each use case.

Kubernetes Threat Intelligence: Detecting Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA)

Malicious actors often use Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA) to exploit the DNS protocol and execute command-and-control (C & C) malware attacks. In this webinar, threat researchers Manoj Ajuhe and Chris Gong from Tigera’s Threat Detection Team will be sharing the latest insights into DGAs, the risks they present, along with best practices to speed detection and mitigation.

Kubernetes Access Controls with Calico Enterprise - How to apply egress access controls

No matter where you are in your Kubernetes journey, eventually you’ll have to connect your k8s cluster to external resources like databases, cloud services, and third-party APIs. A majority of existing workloads are non-Kubernetes, and at some point, your Kubernetes applications will need to communicate with them.

5 Ways to Detect Malicious Activity & Protect Your Kubernetes Workloads

Organizations are rapidly moving more and more mission-critical applications to Kubernetes and the cloud to reduce costs, achieve faster deployment times, and improve operational efficiencies. But security teams struggle to achieve a strong security posture with Kubernetes and cloud-based resources because of the inability to apply conventional security practices in the cloud environment.

Kubernetes & Tigera: Network Policies, Security, and Auditing

Of course, Tigera’s ability to provide Kubernetes pod networking and facilitate service discovery is extremely valuable, but its real superpower is that both Tigera’s commercial offerings and open-source Tigera Calico can implement network security policies inside a Kubernetes cluster.

Meeting PCI DSS Network Security Requirements in Kubernetes Environments

Compliance standards such as PCI DSS have assumed that traditional characteristics and behaviors of the development and delivery model would continue to be constant going forward. With the Container/Kubernetes revolution, that set of assumptions is no longer entirely correct. Attend this webinar and learn about what’s changed, how those changes weaken your compliance and control environment, and what you can do to adjust to the new reality.

How To Extend Firewalls to Kubernetes to Stop Breaking Existing Security Architectures

Security teams use firewalls to secure their production environments, often using a zone-based architecture, and Kubernetes does not deploy well to that architecture. Application teams are launching new business-critical applications on Kubernetes and are aggressively moving to production. A clash is bound to happen.