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Introducing Polaris Assist: Your virtual security assistant | Synopsys

Polaris Assist is a virtual assistant that combines generative AI with decades of Synopsys curated real-world vulnerability, risk, and secure coding data to simplify and streamline application security. Polaris Assist AI capabilities will first be introduced on the Polaris Software Integrity Platform by analyzing static analysis data.

Filter and prioritize IAST vulnerability findings using Project Views in Seeker | Synopsys

In this video, Product Manager, Scott Tolley shows how setting up the new Project Views feature in Seeker can help developers focus their time and attention on the most relevant vulnerability findings in running applications– without hiding the full details from security team. This new feature lets security and development teams...

Mitigate Upstream Risk in your Software with Black Duck Supply Chain Edition | Synopsys

In this video, we introduce the new Black Duck Supply Chain Edition, which provides a full range of supply chain security capabilities to teams responsible for building secure, compliant applications. With third-party SBOM import and analysis, malware detection, and export options in SPDX or CycloneDX formats, teams can establish complete supply chain visibility, identify and mitigate risk, and align with customer and industry requirements.

Introducing fAST Dynamic to the Polaris Software Integrity Platform | Synopsys

Now a part of the Polaris Software Integrity Platform, fAST Dynamic provides next generation dynamic analysis at scale. fAST Dynamic is a DAST solution that provides an automated, self-service dynamic testing solution for effectively analyzing modern technologies that is fast, easy, and accurate.