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Forward Fix Live: Extending Zero Trust in the Cloud

Trying to make sense of your cloud security posture shouldn't mean flipping between multiple screens and inferring how traffic is behaving. Join this live event to see how you can monitor and verify your security posture across multiple clouds on a single screen.

Closing the Loop on Automation, Itential and Forward Networks

Combining the power of Forward Networks' Digital Twin with Itential's low-code network automation platform enables network operations teams to take full advantage of automated network configuration without the risk of unintended consequences from change windows.

Forward Fix LIVE: Network Query Engine

Original broadcast date: April 21, 2021 Network Query Engine: Using our Most Popular Feature to put Humans in Control of the Network Description Technical solutions architect Derick Winkworth demonstrates how operations teams are using the Google-like search features of NQE (Network Query Engine) to shave hours off of troubleshooting and provide unrivaled insight into network behavior. We double-dog dare you to attend this workshop and not find a better way to tame your network.

Forward Fix LIVE: Solving Your ACL Problems

Problems managing your enterprise network ACLs? Think there's no way around it? Forward has solutions to your ACL conflicts and chaos. From top-tier service providers to global financial services, Fortune 500 companies trust Forward to save them from troubleshooting headaches and avoidable network outages.

Forward Networks' Mathematical Model

After years of PhD research and commercial development, the team at Forward has delivered a modern approach to enterprise networking and we call it mathematical network modeling. The key idea is to use math to accurately represent your network's behavior, not one device or path, but everything, every possible behavior of your network. Our software-based digital twin provides rapid insights to understand reachability and security. So any network team can now move from reacting to getting ahead.

Forward Fix: Streamlining and Scaling Automation Workflows

Technical Solutions Architect Glen Turner showcases how Forward can help solve enterprise automation problems. Enterprise IT organizations are promised speed, effectiveness, and efficiency through network automation, but rarely receive it. Foward Enterprise can help. Foward gives you effective network automation through collecting/parsing network state information, normalizing it into a vendor-agnostic data model, and exposing the model for workflow.