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Why SIEM is here to stay: Part 2

Organizations are stretched thin managing increasingly complex environments and ever-expanding threat landscapes. At the same time, adversaries are becoming more organized and sophisticated, resulting in more complex and advanced threats. The current workflow in the Security Operations Center (SOC) – how data is analyzed and acted on – is simply not working. There are too many tools, not enough visibility, and burned-out analysts.

Cybersecurity Trends in Agriculture

The agriculture sector is a staple of critical global infrastructure. We need food to survive as human beings, and a loss of access to these assets could be physically and emotionally detrimental to hundreds of millions of people. The sector is made up of numerous organizations that support critical functions such as growing crops, raising animals, and harvesting fish and other animals from a farm, ranch, or their natural habitats.

The risks of public Wi-Fi and how to stay safe

In a bid to entertain their customers, airports, coffee shops, shopping malls - and literally all public places- provide free Wi-Fi. And because the traffic in and around these places is exceedingly high, their Wi-Fi networks aren’t as secure as you’d imagine. For what it is worth, your privacy can never be sufficiently protected by a 5 or even 10-digit login password that you are given.

NIST SP 1800-23, Energy Sector Asset Management: Securing Industrial Control Systems

Industrial organizations face a growing list of digital threats these days. Back in April 2019, for instance, FireEye revealed that it had observed an additional intrusion by the threat group behind the destructive TRITON malware at another critical infrastructure.

Are smart homes really safe from hackers?

There are a number of smart devices becoming commonplace in homes around the world, leading us closer and closer to the reality of smart homes, or houses that depend primarily on interconnected smart tech. Heating, lighting, and common appliances like doorbells, alarms, and entertainment devices are now increasingly being designed to operate on the internet of things (IoT).

Revisiting The Concepts of Disaster Recovery and Risk as Organizations Move Their Infrastructure To The Cloud

The calculus for disaster recovery and risk management is changing. Most small businesses within the past decade would often keep many of their critical technology assets locally, perhaps in a server closet, or a centralized data center for multiple offices. They built their own “vault” of applications, databases, email, files, etc., often on a few physical servers they would be wholly responsible for maintaining and eventually upgrading or replacing.

The Evolution of Phishing: The Spear Is Aimed at You

You can’t go a week without seeing a story about a data breach or ransomware hitting organizations. These breaches can be very costly, but they still continue to show up. Are the good guys not winning the cybersecurity war? Organizations invest millions of dollars in security products and services, but they keep getting breached.

Fall in Love with the Latest Edition of INETCO Insider

Fall in love with the latest edition of INETCO Insider. Learn how you can utilize payment data acquisition, machine learning capabilities and a highly configurable rules-based alerts engine to detect and prevent payment fraud in real-time – we are talking milliseconds, not days, minutes or even seconds!