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NIST's New Framework to Mitigate Privacy Risks

Over the past few years, there has been a massive cultural and legal shift in the way consumers view and secure their personal data online that’s in line with the rise of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence. Concerned by an increasing rate of incidents that range from the 2017 Equifax hack to the scandalous Cambridge Analytica gaming of consumers’ social media data for political purposes, policymakers have begun to strike back on consumers’ behalf.

Tigera Joins the Fortinet Fabric-Ready Program and Partners with Fortinet to Secure Kubernetes Environments

We are proud to partner with Fortinet and join their Fabric-Ready Technology Alliance Partner program. With this partnership, Fortinet customers will be able to extend their network security architecture to their Kubernetes environments. Our partnership was driven from interest from Fortinet’s customers to protect their Kubernetes based infrastructure. Kubernetes adoption is growing like wildfire and nearly every enterprise on the planet is at some stage of their Kubernetes journey.

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What To Know About User Behavior Analysis

Over the last few years, significant strides have been made in artificial intelligence (AI). Businesses, both big and small, are finally finding value in the data at their disposal. Big data is no longer a buzzword but a critical tool used by both governments and businesses in many. User Behavior Analysis (UBA) is one of the practical implementations of big data today, coupled with deep learning algorithms. UBA is used to make sense of every day user activity in any setting to predict patterns and help in decision making.

Data breach: how to prevent it

We are living in the era of the digital economy where companies are collecting and storing lots of valuable customer data on a daily basis. As it has turned out, data is an important input in the competitiveness, growth, and revenue generation for any company across industries. But every valuable resource has its vulnerabilities, and data is not left out in this unfortunate fact. A notable vulnerability of sensitive data that has left many IT departments scratching their heads is data breaching.

New security test: CVE-2019-11043 PHP-FPM & NGINX RCE

tl;dr – CVE-2019-11043 PHP-FPM & NGINX RCE was publicly disclosed and a Proof-of-Concept exploit code was made available on GitHub. We received the report from our Crowdsource community, and now the CVE-2019-11043 Nginx/PHP-FPM RCE vulnerability is detected by Detectify. Nginx is a common web server used to run web applications. PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is a processor for PHP scripts that is efficient at handling heavy website traffic and is commonly used by websites that have e.g.

Protecting your GCP infrastructure at scale with Forseti Config Validator part three: Writing your own policy

No two Google Cloud environments are the same, and how you protect them isn’t either. In previous posts, we showed you how to use the Config Validator scanner in Forseti to look for violations in your GCP infrastructure by writing policy constraints and scanning for labels. These constraints are a good way for you to translate your security policies into code and can be configured to meet your granular requirements.

Data Privacy Is Our Birthright - national cybersecurity month

Never before in history has the concept of identity been so vital. To a large extent, everything we rely on to live our lives depends on who we are… or perhaps more accurately, who we can prove ourselves to be. Our data has come to be the standard by which we define ourselves. Because this identity-defining data is online, the protection of our data is of paramount importance.