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How to Protect the Future of IT

Working remotely, either from home or from elsewhere, isn’t something new. It has been used by many companies worldwide over the past decade. That said, it was typically restricted to only a couple days a month or to specific IT-savvy departments. But as we have seen throughout time, adversity and crisis lead to change and sometimes revolutions in industry, social systems, countries and/or sometimes the entire world. COVID-19 has brought about this level of change.

Climbing the Vulnerability Management Mountain: Reaching the Summit (VM Maturity Level 5)

Only the truly committed ever reach the summit of anything. This sentiment holds true for vulnerability management. An organization cannot reach the summit without a serious commitment to fund and staff the program appropriately across the organization. Reaching ML:5 means tying the program to the business. Everyone must be aligned with the metrics and be ready to find the root cause of any misses so that mitigations can be implemented to alleviate this miss in the future.

Observing a Privacy Milestone: Expert Thoughts on GDPR's 2nd Anniversary

May 25, 2020 marks the second anniversary of when the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took full effect. Undoubtedly, many organizations have succeeded in achieving compliance with the Regulation by now. But that raises some important questions. What benefits have those organizations experienced in achieving compliance, for instance? Have they encountered any drawbacks along the way?

How to choose the right compliance management software for your business

While keeping data safe from modern cyberthreats is difficult enough, you also have to keep in mind compliance with common regulations, i.e., ensuring your company’s compliance to SOX, which deals with transparency in disclosures from public companies. Nowadays, it’s not enough for businesses to rely on dismissive financial documents that satisfy the intermittent audit; you need to level up your game, and create detailed day-to-day records of activities.

Tips to Make More Impactful Decisions Related to Payments Revenue, Card Portfolio Profitability and Customer Service

Welcome to the final installment of our 3-part series featuring recommendations to help financial institutions (FIs) navigate the impact of COVID-19 on their payments business. While we have previously focused on providing tips around managing the surge in online and mobile transactions, as well as how to combat the increase in card-not-present fraud, this blog will focus on how to drive payments revenue and provide an exceptional customer experience.

What are Cyberterrorism and Cyberwarfare?

Cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare are hot topics today. Do you know what they are or how you can protect your organization against them? Read our blog post to learn! In today’s media, the terms cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare are mentioned very often. Many fear a possible cyberwar and many say that terrorism has been changing in order to gain much more digitalized characteristics.

Security advisory: The risk of returning workers opening the door to dormant attackers

During the COVID-19 pandemic, more employees have been working from home than ever before. This situation has significantly increased cyber security risks for organisations, with many lacking sufficient controls to protect workers outside of the office – something criminals are taking advantage of by targeting unsecured endpoints with increasing regularity.