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Broken authentication and session management

In the IT world authentication is a process that verifies or identifies if a user is actually who he claims to be. This protects systems, networks, devices or applications from unauthorised access or use as only legitimate authenticated users are allowed to access the resources. Usually, user authentication is achieved by submitting a valid username or user ID and its corresponding private information (e.g. a password).

Data recovery - everything you need to know

It is commonly accepted that Data is the lifeblood of every business. Unless of course, your company still does bookkeeping with pen and paper? If not, the chances are that the day-to-day operations of your business cannot function without Data. Data lasts forever and is being used in ways we can’t even imagine - almost every device is a computer producing data these days.

Building a Modern SOC

It’s not every day that you get four CTOs of leading Cloud companies in a discussion about security, the changing role of the security operations center (SOC), and how best to manage data, artificial intelligence(AI), and service providers in these challenging times. To close out the 2021 Modern SOC Summit, Christian Beedgen, Sumo Logic’s CTO, hosted a discussion with Peter Silberman, CTO at, Scott Lundgren, CTO at Carbon Black, and Todd Weber, the CTO at Optiv.

New Phishing Attacks Exploiting OAuth Authorization Flows (Part 1)

This blog series expands upon a presentation given at DEF CON 29 on August 7, 2021. Phishing attacks are starting to evolve from the old-school faking of login pages that harvest passwords to attacks that abuse widely-used identity systems such as Microsoft Azure Active Directory or Google Identity, both of which utilize the OAuth authorization protocol for granting permissions to third-party applications using your Microsoft or Google identity.

Achieving SOC2 Compliance for Teleport Cloud with Teleport On-Prem

Teleport has been instrumental in helping our clients achieve difficult security and compliance requirements, and today we are proud to announce that our Cloud offering is now SOC2 Type II compliant. Last year our on-premises product was SOC2 Type II certified, and we published an overview on our blog helping explain what SOC2 is and why it has become table stakes for B2B SaaS companies.

You Can't Secure What You Can't See

Between us — there’s no such thing as zero trust — it’s a catchy term used to describe a very complicated approach to security. But just because marketing loves the term doesn’t mean we should ignore the concept. The idea of zero trust is the assumption that users should be granted the least access possible to be productive, and that security should be verified at every level with consistent protection measures.

Why Are Ransomware Attacks Against OT Increasing?

Most discussions around cybersecurity understandably focus on information technology (IT). Assets like cloud services and data centers are typically what companies spend the most time and effort securing. Recently, though, operational technology (OT) has come under increasing scrutiny from leading security experts in both the private and public sectors. In June, for instance, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a fact sheet about ransomware attacks on OT.

Crime-as-a-service: How anyone can become a hacker

The internet is an incredible tool for education. Unfortunately, not everyone uses it to better themselves or the world around them. There are plenty of opportunities to learn how to defraud, damage, and steal from organizations – so many in fact, that this open source of hacking knowledge is a new technology service industry in its own right: crime-as-a-service.

Keep infrastructure as code secure with Synopsys

Infrastructure as code is a key concept in DevOps for cloud deployments. Learn how to secure it using Rapid Scan SAST. It was not long ago when we needed to submit an IT support ticket to help launch infrastructure configurations (virtual machines, networks configurations, load balancers, databases, etc.) every time we needed to deploy a new application. It worked when we needed those less frequently, but it was not easily scalable.